Sunday, March 29, 2015

Property pt. 2

During the past week I have been trying to observe how people claim property and how the thought of property is all around us. I noticed:

  • A couple at a table next to me were discussing what they should do this weekend and were going back and forth about which birthday party to attend. They then got into a discussion about their friend Jen, and how they should go to party because they both know Jen. Later in the conversation the lady at the table then said, Jen is my friend because we talk to each other everyday. While, the other person disagreed and claimed Jen as their friend because they knew her first. This made me think of property and how Jen would feel. Or if she even knew she was owned. 
  • I received and email inviting me to view some professional photos I had taken of my wedding. To view them I had to agree that the pictures of me, were now property of the photographer and I had to agree that I had no say in where, when, or how they were used in the future.
  • A bi-polar patient that is court ordered to take a medication against his/her will. The patient does not like the way the medication makes them feel and refuses to take it. However, the court can hospitalize and force medication if the deem necessary.
  • My residence is a three family home, and my neighbor/landlord is the owner of the entire property. The landlord will come on to our side of the yard, and remove our chairs/fire-pit to his side of the yard and use it at free will. He believes that the entire yard and its content is his, due to him owning the lot and home.

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