Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Social Engineering Challenge 5 "The right pocket of the jacket"

My task of this week was pretty fun; I had to put the task card in the pocket of a fellow player's coat or jacket.

When I got my cart they were only 3 student with me in the classroom, the only person with a jacket was Agent Raven Blue. Since she was located behind me and her jacket was handing on the chair. My plan was pretty simple, sneak behind her and slide the card in her jacket. I couldn't find the pocket on the jacket and I had to do some digging until I found it then slid the card inside, but it took me too long until I was detected, she took my card from her pocket and gave it to me back. I thought that now the best way execute my task is to target a new person, hopefully someone will come with a coat or jacket. Then I realized that Agent Raven Blue will not expect me to target her one more time and put the card in the same pocket, also the task just said to get the card in someone’s pocket, so my new plan might work.  I had to present today and I went to set up our Power Point, I looked at Agent Raven Blue and she was in the middle of a discussion with our professor, I walked to my seat and slowly put the cart one more time in the same pocket. I went to the front of the class did my presentation after I was done I went back to my seat, to make sure that this task will be successful I reached to the same pocked on her jacket one more time and pushed the card even further to make sure it will not fall out before the end of the class.

My first strategy was ok if the pocket was not hidden by so many things and easy to access. I had to get caught the first time to get my target to believe that I gave up and also to get pocket discovered and easy to access. I was able to access it two times after without being detected.

I did invade the privacy of Agent Raven Blue by putting my hand in her pocket, but likely the pocket was empty, otherwise that would bother me little bet.

In this task I did not gather any information from Agent Raven Blue beside that the right pocket of her jacket was accessible during class.

I honestly had a lot of fun, even when I got caught the first time we laughed about it, but accomplishing this task made me feel pretty good.


  1. I seriously need to stop being so trustworthy! You know what's hilarious is as me, Inspector green and admiral Aquamarine were leaving I was telling them that you tried then I reached inside my pocket and was freaking out that you got me again...Good one!

    1. hhhhh that is so funny. Sorry for targeting you, the class is so small, I had to target the closest person to my seat.

  2. I was with Agent Raven Blue when she discovered the card! LOL!
    5 points!

  3. I was with Agent Raven Blue when she discovered the card! LOL!
    5 points!
