Monday, March 30, 2015

Proprietary part 2

I have been trying to make observations for the past week and I sow few things that I thought will be interesting to mention in this post:

  • I noticed in the class that everyone have been sitting in the same seat since the beginning of the semester, and we all think that each of those seats are the property of the student using them. Also if I decided to take someone’s seat, I am sure that it will bother the person who usually seats there.
  • I had a friend calling me for help to find a new apartment because he has to move next month, the owner of the building has some issues and needs to move back to the apartment that he was renting to my friend and his roommates. This situation made me think about how renting contracts works and who owns the property, the owner of the house or the person renting it.
  • Yesterday I bought a Raspberry pie which is a small computer (size of a credit card) to do some experiment with it, I was looking at small screens that I can connect to the motherboard to see if it will work.  I was thinking if it will be legal for me to buy an I-phone replacement screen or take the one from my old phone and use it. I paid for both the computer and the phone but do I really own them, am I free to use them do way how I want?


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