Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Social Engineering #6 "Right behind you"

My task of this week was to get a picture of a fellow player’s license plate.

My targets were Agent Raven Blue or Admiral Aquamarine since I know that they both have cars. After class they decided to leave together, I thought that it was even better. I followed them through the grown floor’s hallways, when they got to the exit door, Admiral Aquamarine went upstairs while Agent Raven went indirection of the parking, for that reason she become my principal target. I waited inside the building until I could barely see her and moved closer to keep her in my vision range. I put my sunglasses on just change a little my appearance so she can’t recognize me easily from far, I also pretended to be talking in the phone to use my hand to hide part of my face. Past the bridge she was walking in one side of the parking I stayed at the opposite side, When I sow here opening her car and getting in, I walked behind her so she can’t see me, always with the phone in my ear with the camera already on to take the picture, without stopping I past behind her car took picture of her license plate and kept walking forward.

Mainly for strategies, I was improvising according to the situation, beside when I had to fallow Agent Raven and Admiral Aquamarine in the ground floor in the school, since they were two of them I had twice more chances to be detected. Also there were no other people beside the three of us in the hallways, my strategy was instead of walking behind them directly and be obviously suspicious I preferred to stay hidden and slide my phone a little so the camera can see the hallway, that way I can see them and fellow there movement without being seen, also beside looking at someone directly, use the camera front or back and look at the camera instead, I was thinking that it will take the suspension away.  

I felt pretty bad about fallowing my too classmates, and invading their privacy, but I like to think that I had no choice since I want to get my task done.

Knowing that I have done this task, I think that the fact that I know Agent Raven Blue real name adding to that the Plate number can be combined for a purpose of getting more information about her.

As I said before I did not like the fact of invading someone’s privacy but since we are all playing this game I did enjoyed it, I felt like I was in a secret mission.


  1. That's so creepy...I felt like someone was following me!

    1. hhhh Sorry, I knew that at some point you turned to look behind you but I was too far watching you on your left side, It was easy to keep my eye on your even when you were pretty far because of your red jacket.
      since we start the social engineer game, I always check behind me lol, and sometimes I change my usual road to go home just to see if there is really a fellow player fallowing me.

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  3. I think its funny how you made a fake card about this to social engineer me and it became your real task XD Hilarious! Job well done though, 5pts!

    1. LOL I know the moment I sow the task I thought that Karma is paying me back.
