Thursday, March 5, 2015

Hello guys, the challenge I got for this week was “GET A FELLOW PLAYERS SHOE SIZE WITHOUT ASKING”.
Let me start off by saying, I had no idea how I was going to accomplish this one. As soon I got the challenge I started thinking about how in the world I was going to get this one done, I looked around the room and stared at everyone’s feet, and thought about things to say to start a conversation, but at the moment this wouldn’t work, since professor (M....a) was giving her lecture, It was going to be rude and awkward if I start a conversation with anyone in the room about SHOES.
Then I used our good old friend Google for some information. I search for way to get someone’s shoe size without asking, I found this post, about a trick to figure out someone’s age using their shoe size with some math involved. I was thinking about reversing the math and instead of asking for the shoe size I was going to ask a fellow player for their age and hope my math skills were good enough to find out their shoe size. But I noticed that everyone in the classroom was being over defensive, I tried to target Admiral Aquamarine by making a comment about his shoes but it didn’t work he dodge the conversation. I was going to ask Black Capo for his age but that wouldn’t work since Admiral Aquamarine made it very clear to him not to trust me.
After we were able to break free from Admiral Thistle’s entrapment. I walked outside with a group of fellow players (Black Capo, Admiral Aquamarine, and Agent Raven Blue), when we got outside to the front of the school, we seen two other fellow players (CaptainBlack, and Pink Mistery) by the way at this point Admiral Aquamarine was gone, he disappeared like a Ghost. We stayed chatting for a couple of minutes. I didn’t have that much time left so I had to make a move, I was standing in front of Pink Mistery, and so she became my target. I looked at her shoes and gave her a compliment,” does are some nice shoes, where did you get them”, “I want to get my girl the same ones” my plan was to start a conversation about her shoes and hope she would tell me the size, but she was also very defensive, but since I was standing in front of her, I seen that her shoes had the tongue out, and there was a white label on it, and what is usually on this labels? The SIZE, on the label it said 7. Pink Mistery IS A SIZE 7. I snapped a picture of her shoes, so you guys can see the label. I felt wrong snapping pictures of her shoes without her permission, I apologize, but in this case I needed some prove. 


  1. Nice! Pictures of sizes seems to be the way to go! 5 points!!!

  2. Nice! Pictures of sizes seems to be the way to go! 5 points!!!
