Monday, March 23, 2015

Observations on Property

Through my observation of people's behavior and thoughts on property have noticed:

  • People will tag what they believe is their property (i.e. tag their name on a carton of milk in the fridge at the workplace, therefore everyone knows who it belongs to and should not touch it unless consulting with the owner.

  • classroom etiquette; after a couple of weeks of people sitting in the same seat if one was to come to class and someone was sitting in the seat they usually sit in, they would feel out of place if they had to sit somewhere else and possibly might ask the person to sit elsewhere.
  • In a roommate situation, you may allow each other to borrow clothes when asked, but if you were to see this same roommate around campus with an item of yours that was taken without your consent you might approach the individual and demand that they return it immediately.
  • In a residential area, residents have this unspoken rule that the spot in front of their house belongs to them and no one is to park there. Should one day they come home and an unknown car is parked there, the homeowner might try to have the car towed or watch to see who parked there and give them a few choice words.
  • Some people hold their friendship to others as if that person is and can only be their friend. They become very territorial and do not welome newcomers around their friend. 

Basically i think sometimes property doesn't have to be something purchased, it sometimes are things that people think they are entitled to based on relation.

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