Sunday, March 29, 2015


During the week of class I missed I was in the hospital and these are some observations I recalled about property:
  • TV- During my stay at the hospital my nurse welcomed me to my room and mentioned how lucky I was to have my own room, my restroom and my TV. Even if she referred to them as “mine” they weren’t really mine, it was just for the time being. I’m not allowed to take the TV home when I get discharged.
  •  Pills- The same goes for the medication I took. It was prescribed for me but I didn’t pay for it. Usually when we claim property it means that we paid for it, but my insurance is paying for it. So is it my pills or my insurance pills that I’m instructed to take?
  •  Food- The food I ate was provided to me. I didn’t pay for it but I ordered it so that somehow gives me the ownership to that meal. I consumed it and I can take it home if I choose to.
  • Seats- When I got discharged I waited for my brother to pick me up in the waiting room area. Before sitting anywhere in general we have to see if the seat is occupied. It’s pretty standard like in waiting rooms no one really owns a seat unless it is reserved for Handicapped. As to in a concert we usually pay different prices for seats therefore we have rights to have the seat reserved for us throughout that performance.

I find property interesting because there are numerous aspects to it. It’s usually standardized from buying it to rules and regulations. 

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