Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Facebook Friend or Foe Social Engineer #3

This week’s challenge was to get a fellow player to friend/follow a fake social media page. I figured that if I didn’t just target one person my chances were greater I used a page I created months ago to take away suspicion that it was fake. I knew this challenge would be difficult especially with all of the other players being so cautious not to mention I didn’t have every player’s full name but I did have a few players’ names.

I sent friend requests through Facebook to Inspector Green, Admiral Aquamarine, Captain Black, and Pink Mystery I would have created a fake twitter but upon looking I was unable to find a twitter account for any of these players. Once the requests were sent I waited patiently for a week captain black and admiral aquamarine made me so I focused on Inspector green and pink mystery. I messaged them both through Facebook.

“Hi (Fellow Players name) I had a class with you last semester and I was hoping you might still have some of the coursework. I lost most of it when I moved. Thanks, Joe.”

It was sneaky to pretend to be someone else.

I waited until 12:01 AM on the 24th of March to post to see if anyone would snag the bate, but nothing so I am going to consider this mission failed. However I was thinking of ways that I could get this mission accomplished and I figured out most people will add a familiar face  so if I were to attempt this again then I would most likely find a familiar face they know but not someone they are close with and create a Facebook page that states.

“I am deleting my old page so add me on this one!”

Might work, might not. Any who I think this challenge test the gullibility of other players like if I was targeted then most likely the person would have completed the mission because I am always trying to interact with new people to market my book. I can see where this may be dangerous in some aspects and the privacy is an important matter when it comes down to it.

Better luck next time, Right!


  1. Failed attempt....but decent strategy. You wouldn't be very good at catfishing it seems. :)

  2. Failed attempt....but decent strategy. You wouldn't be very good at catfishing it seems. :)
