Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Property Observations

I think what I have experienced personally best relates to this topic and my observations regarding property. My kids are hilarious when analyzing property especially when they try to calm argument regarding why they should keep their toys from the other. Most commonly it is my son yelling at my daughter that his toy truck is not meant for girls. My husband and I have similar arguments but it usually involves him using my tablet when he has his own. If he didn't have his own tablet I would let him use it without a problem. I think property issue can be found everywhere.

Most importantly for me is the issue of property regarding my book. Upon publishing it I had to go through a thorough content evaluation to be sure that nothing I had in my book was stolen. an issue was discovered when I used the lyrics in a song. I ended having to use a different song by a different artist and getting the permission to use it. I understand the difficulties regarding property and its importance.

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