Monday, March 9, 2015

Grey Album, Grey Tuesday…
               The grey Tuesday was a day when many people decided to show civil disobedience towards the decision to ban the grey album due to the copy rights dilemma. The grey album is an album produced by DJ Danger Mouse, using instrumentals from the Beatles’ White Album and taking Jay Z’s a Capella from his Black Album.  Hundreds of people shared and downloaded The Grey Album online.

                The Grey Album and its controversy raised a lot of questions about property and ownership. Whether or not it was right for DJ Danger Mouse to take music that he had no rights for, and make it his own. I believe that what he did was not really that bad, because even though Jay Z and The Beatles have copyrights for their material, DJ Danger Mouse made his own modifications to the music, so therefor it was not the same. I believe that if you purchase the material, in this case the songs, you should be able to modify your copy all you want. 

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