Sunday, March 29, 2015

Social Engineer Challenge 5: Potty break

My task was to get a fellow player to go to the restroom with me.

I was thinking of a smart approach to this because asking a fellow player to go to the restroom with me would be too obvious. As soon as class ended I asked MzQueen Green if she was in a hurry to go home because I wanted to ask about something important but I needed to use the restroom first. She said she wasn't and curiously questioned what I needed to ask about. I decided to use a personal topic so she would believe me. As we walked out of class, I started walking towards the restroom and brought up the topic. I stopped in front of the restroom apologized and told her to wait because I couldn't hold it anymore.  She then followed me inside and said it was okay because she needed it too. Mission accomplished.

My strategy of not directly asking her to go with me to the restroom was pretty effective.

I can’t really do anything with getting a person to go to the bathroom with me but my approach can maybe make it possible to get someone to go elsewhere with me.

I felt pretty bad doing this because she is my teammate but she got me this week too so I don’t feel as guilty as I did.


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  3. This was well thought out and played out perfectly. You had the other player trusting you and also wanting to know more of what you had to say. That is tough to do. I'd say 10pts.

  4. Yeah I was so happy it turned out this way. I was imagining if a male player had this task, it'd be nearly impossible. Thank you.

  5. Lol! You are too good at this! I just thought we was having a little girl chat!

  6. So that was the conversation I ran into. Well played. 5 points!
