Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Social Engineering Task #6: Closer Look

My task was to get a fellow player to remove and hand me an article of clothing or jewelry.

Well i decided to target my fellow team mate pink mystery.

I noticed that she was wearing these funky sunglasses on the top of her head.

I kindly asked her "what kind of glasses are those can i see it?" She removed it off the top of her head and handed it to me and I took a closer look!

I approached this task by basically starting a casual conversation, which is something i would've done anyways had this not been a task.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. someone is back in the game :) two tasks done the same day, Great job.

  3. Omg! I knew your task was something like that because you kept asking me to get you something lol.. But you're lucky you caught me off guard because the game we played in class threw me off, I was so hyped lol.. 5pts! :)

    Lmao at funky sunglasses, don't hate on my 3D glasses it was part of my previous social engineer task.

  4. I don't recall asking you to get me something, but before i received my task i peeped the sunglasses and i was going to ask you about it and it just made it so much easier.

  5. Hahaha....I was wondering if the Werewolf game we played in class would mess with people and their tasks. 5 point

  6. Hahaha....I was wondering if the Werewolf game we played in class would mess with people and their tasks. 5 point
