Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Property observation

During my week of break, I paid a little more attention to aspects of property.

Seats- Since I ride the mbta daily, I don't always notice when people act like they own the seat they were sitting in. They act like its not "Public" transportation. I can understand if the train isn't that crowded, but if an elderly/disabled person wants to sit in the seat closest to the door, they should have the right to that seat. Instead, the majority of people don't offer those seats, maybe because they are lazy and don't want to get up, or maybe because they think "It's my seat and I'm not getting up. That guy over there can get up, but this is my seat". The other day, I was riding the train to work and the stop was Downtown Crossing. A blind man got on the train and clearly needed a seat. The woman sitting in the disabled seat didn't get up even after noticing the man's cane. The man sat on the woman, not knowing someone was there. The woman got up in shock, but couldn't say anything because the man was blind and she was in the wrong for not getting up immediately. If you're on public transportation, its not your seat, It's that simple.

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