Monday, March 9, 2015

Mission #4

My mission this week was to get another players password by shoulder surfing. This seemed easy enough, but proved to be harder than imagined. I watched each player like a hawk trying watch and learn any password I can on any computer, with no luck. Then it hit me... Phones! All I needed was to watch a swipe or a pattern being entered on a phone to complete this mission. I knew I limited time and started asking random questions about the color or picture on player's home screens. All the players were especially guarded this week, but it worked to my advantage. I made each of them very suspicious and a little jumpy. My strategy worked well. The players started to feed off of each other and jump in, which helped me. Admiral Aquamarine started looking at people's phones as I was drilling them about their home screen. Then it happened... TheBlack Capo grabbed his phone and hid it from Admiral Aquamarine and mentioned how no one could ever get to his home screen, as he touched his finger to his phone. His password was his fingerprint. TheBlack Capo then mentioned how the password was specifically to him, and solidified my mission.

Mission Complete!

While completing this mission, I realized that there are many levels of password security and that TheBlack Capo had a really good system put into place. I thought it was fun trying to watch all the players type in words as passwords, yet, I didn't want to draw too much attention to myself. Any information could be stolen this way, but a fingerprint can not. Morally, it is wrong to steal, and the only reason I would need a password from another player would be to hack their account of some sort, which is wrong as well. I think that shoulder surfing is a successful way to obtain information and this technique can prove dangerous to sensitive information. Many people are oblivious to what is around them or who is watching. Except for this class...these players are growing more and more suspicious and guarded.

Til next week!

-Admiral Thistle


  1. I like how you made everyone think that your task was to make someone move something for you, great job, I vote 5 point.

  2. Good job. 2 points. The suspicion is great because it shows that you are being more defensive.

  3. Good job. 2 points. The suspicion is great because it shows that you are being more defensive.

  4. 2 points. I love that people are being more defensive!

  5. 2 points. I love that people are being more defensive!
