Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Take off your Glasses! Social engineer challenge #5

   First let me say sorry MzQueen Green because you were in fact my target. My task was to get specifically MzQueen Green to take off her glasses and set them down within my reach. I thought this was an impossible task but I looked through older tasks for inspiration. I decided to tell MzQueen Green that I was actually targeting Admiral Aquamarine. I Wrote her a letter and passed it to her acting suspiciously toward Admiral Aquamarine to convince MzQueen Green that Admiral aquamarine was my target.

  I beckoned her over after she agreed to help me and I told her that I told Admiral Aquamarine that she was my target to divert suspicion and Admiral Aquamarine kept looking at me and it really sold the deal. She became slightly suspicious but I diverted this suspicion by telling her that I had to get Admiral Aquamarine because he never gets tricked. She nodded in agreement and smiled.
The professors were making it especially difficult because today they were adamant to talk until the class ended and I didn't want to be rude. So I looked over at MzQueen Green and whispered that admiral aquamarine was watching.

I asked her for her glasses so I could see how I looked. She took them off and set them down on the table within my reach and I picked them up and tried them on. I looked directly at Admiral Aquamarine so she would believe the rouse and we giggle joyfully at the fact that he probably thought I was targeting him.

I felt bad that I was blatantly lying to MsQueen Green but I felt bed because I know her and realize what a nice person she is. If my task were directed at a stranger I think I might feel a lot differently about the situation.

Mission Accomplished!

Agent Raven Blue OUT!


  1. Wowwwwwwwwwwww!!!!! Glad i could help you get some points!

  2. Oh no! I saw this happening and was wondering why she (MzQueen Green) would fall for it unless it was to her advantage to target you (Agent Raven Blue). Lol, job well done though! 5pts
