Thursday, March 5, 2015

Hello again, this week I had a second challenge since I missed a class. The second challenge I got was “Get a fellow player to follow you/GO with you somewhere off campus”.

If I thought the first one was difficult, were of course I was wrong. This one had to be the most difficult one I have gotten so far. Especially with everyone in the classroom being so defensive and having so many trust issues. I got this challenge about 20 minutes before class was over. I do not remember how I found out but I learned that Black Capo takes the T. I was going to make him my victim, I thought about walking with him after class and invite him to grab something to eat outside the campus, D’Angelo’s down the street was going to be it. But I tried to make conversation with him, I asked him a question and he didn’t respond, he told me he did not trust me, so there goes my plan. There was no way I was going to get him to come with me, so I moved on to a new target. This time it was my good current teammate Agent Raven Blue, (yea time for revenge).

Like I mentioned in my first post, Agent Raven Blue, Black Capo, Captain Black, Pink Mystery and myself were chatting outside the campus. (We still don’t know where Admiral Aquamarine went) lol. So when I accomplished my first task, I was on to the next, Everyone started parting ways and saying goodbye, That’s when I asked Agent Raven Blue what way she usually goes, she pointed the way so I asked her if she can drop me off at Sullivan Station, but she told me she doesn’t go that way, I asked her what way she goes and she said east Boston, PERFECT. I then asked her if she can give me a ride to work, I told her that I worked in Maverick Square in east Boston. At first she was a bit skeptic about it and didn’t believe me so she asked me if I really worked that day, luckily I was wearing my work jacket that said MetrpPCS on it. So she believed me and gave me the ride. I think she trusted me more because when we we’re walking to the her car, I told her that I had complete my task ( the first one – the shoe size) she was not aware that I had two. So I don’t think there was a reason for her to think I was targeting her. She took the highway 93 south and actually showed me a way to get to east Boston that I did not know about (better than the way I used to take when I drove, it was all traffic, traffic and more traffic) When we got to Maverick SQ, we came to a stop sign, I told her that my store was just around the corner and that she can just drop me off here. Once she dropped me off, I did not go into the store, who goes to work on their day off? Yes I was off that day, usually the days I got class I take the day off. When she dropped me off in the corner, I waited in the corner noticed she made a right turn, so the coast was clear I then walked straight to the Station, hopped on the Train and went home, home sweet home. By the way trains at this time are horrible….=/

 I believe I successfully completed the task because by her giving me a ride, she came with me to east Boston. Somewhere off campus. Even though I lied to her, most likely took time off her busy schedule, I had to do what I had to do. I am down on the score cards and I need to get up there with the rest of the players.
93 South, TD Garde.

Getting to East Boston.


  1. I definitely sat creepily at maverick and dove into a snow bank for no reason! lol!

  2. Wow, so you guys social engineered each other? Too funny.

  3. Funny!!! Love how this played out. 5 points!

  4. Funny!!! Love how this played out. 5 points!
