Sunday, March 29, 2015

Social Engineer Challenge 4: Twinning

My task was to dress like a fellow player and act like them the next class meeting. When I got this challenge I scanned the classroom for someone with “props”/accessories (hat, sunglasses, laptops, etc.) As class went by, I overheard Admiral Thistle saying she won’t make it to next class, so I decided to pick her. Unfortunately, I had an emergency and did not make it to class as well. I took note of what she wore that day, from how she had her hair to the color of her jacket, jeans and shoes. I also noticed that she wore sunglasses on top of her bun and has her laptop sitting out in front of her in every class meeting.

Two weeks later, I wore my hair in a bun, had black shades on top, black jacket, loose blue jeans and black shoes on. I also brought my laptop and had it out in front of me. I wasn't able to act like her since we had a class activity that I got way too into, but I was able to pull off her last task. Before class ended that day she sat her black backpack in front of the door. I made sure I brought a black backpack and sat in front of the door when class ended.

My strategy was to pick someone with enough props to pull off the look, because I don’t really pay attention to how people dress and only had that day to note what that person wore. Since I was able to pull off the task, I would say my strategy was pretty effective.

A moral stake of this challenge is being able to observe broad details to little details. Sometimes it’s safer to have a variety of styles so it would be hard to imitate.

Now that I completed this challenge I can’t look exactly like her but I can probably pretend to be like her maybe over the phone or the internet.

When I showed up in class I was hoping she wasn't going to be there because I felt embarrassed. I didn't know if she noticed or other students noticed. I was trying my best not to make eye contact with her but awkward enough Admiral Thistle and I was the werewolves in the class activity. >.< 


  1. Haha!! This is great! Nice job!!

  2. Nice. I did notice the bag, but not the other things. I need to observe better. 5 points

  3. Nice. I did notice the bag, but not the other things. I need to observe better. 5 points
