Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Social Engineering #2 -Stalking is not Easy.

My challenge was to follow a fellow player for twenty minutes without them noticing. Upon receiving this task I was pretty sure it could never be done but I am not sure whether it was complete or close to being complete. Only the judge may decide! My original target was The Black Capo, My plan was to follow him and hope he drove. What I found out was only Admiral Aquamarine and Admiral Thistle are the only two who drive.

Still I kept in mind of all of my targets at this point I would target anyone I could. A few events unfolded during class where I was trapped in class with both The Black Capo and Admiral Thistle which had promise considering they were both options. When we escaped the classroom I was intending on following Admiral Thistle but considering her legs are a lot longer then mine she literally out walked me in a matter of seconds.

Now I walked down the hallway with Admiral Aquamarine, Inspector green, and The black Capo. I was careful to watch everywhere the black capo went because now he was my mission. I followed along but I cant say I was unnoticed but he didn't know I was targeting him. I made it look like I was after Admiral aquamarine to take away suspicion. However hilariously Admiral Aquamarine also thought I was after him so he miraculously disappeared. (Seriously it was ghost like!) OS I continued to walk outside with the Black Capo and Inspector Green. Luckily enough two other fellow players were waiting outside so we stopped to talk and so did the Black Capo so I waited to see if he would leave or keep talking.

We talked for about fifteen minutes and then parted ways.

I was unsure if my stalking of the Black Capo would earn me the much needed points so when Inspector Green asked for a ride I was only to happy to oblige. I dropped him off at the corner of where he works and drove around  the block and parked so I could watch him. (Creepy I know!) I sat awkwardly in my car watching the store he works in to see if I could see him. After about twenty minutes I got aggravated and decided to get food so I went to the place where they have amazing Spanish food across from inspector Greens job. As I was coming out I saw him finally, He was turning my way so I ran into the middle of the street dodging a bus and fell into a snowbank.

As you can see I am alive and well. (Kind of)

This task was challenging for me specifically because I am usually very busy and don't have time to stalk the a random persons life never mind a fellow player. I cant say I didn't enjoy this task because I did it was fun trying to be sneaky and dodging busses and diving into snowbanks really made it. I suppose in other situations this can be severely morally wrong because your invading someone privacy by following them.

See you next time!
 Agent Raven Blue


  1. Lmao. I'm glad I didn't actually take your offer on that ride, dodged a bullet. I had no idea I was your original target, good job!

  2. Good job, you showed a lot of perseverance, also in my opinion there is no deference between walking with someone and following some as long as the don't know. I vote 5 points.

  3. is funny because you were also my victim....
