Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Social Engineering #5: Cinnamon Toast Crunch was here!

My task was to sneak the largest food item possible into our classroom during class.

Well, I thought and thought and came up with my sneaking this giant size box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch Cereal which is a favorite in my household. The dimensions of the box is 2.5 x 9.5 x 12.81.

I came to class a few minute after it had started. Mostly everyone was there already. I hid the cereal inside my coat and walked into class with my bag hanging across the front of me. I quickly took a seat, took off my coat and hid the box of cereal under the computer counter.

When class was dismissed, i took it out and took a quick pic.


  1. Probably the only good advantage of the winter, people won't know if you're fat or just wearing a lot of layers. You sat next to me and I didn't even notice. Good job, 5pts :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Sneaky. 5 points and that's pretty large. A pizza made it in a fan box last year!

  4. Sneaky. 5 points and that's pretty large. A pizza made it in a fan box last year!

  5. Sneaky. 5 points and that's pretty large. A pizza made it in a fan box last year!
