Monday, March 30, 2015

Property Observations pt2 
  • My friend owns a Honda Civic. He bought it with his own money. The other day he picked me up from work, and on the way to my house, we got pulled over by the police. His car is very low, he has made a few modifications, he has HID light bulbs for the headlights, and his stereo system is very loud. The cop ended up giving him tickets for loud music, altered vehicle height and having HIDs on. This made me think about property, if my friend purchased the car, shouldn't he be able to make changes to it.

  • I was on the MBTA bus on my way to work yesterday, the heater was on blast and it was very hot. Someone asked the bus driver if he can turn the heat off, because it was too hot, but the bus driver replied “I’m not hot, and this is my bus, if you don’t like it then you can get off”. This made me think, why does the bus driver think he owns the bus? Just because he probably drives it every day? So depending on how often you use something, it becomes yours?

  • I went to the movie theater this past Saturday. I saw Get Hard, very funny movie, defiantly encourage anyone to go see it. But what was interested was what I noticed. I got there early so the room was very empty, it started getting pack very quick though. I noticed this guy was saving the seat next to him for someone. When the room got packed, there was a guy that was looking for an empty seat and once he saw the one the other guy was saving, he quickly walked towards it. Before he was able to seat on it, the other guy told him that the seat was his and that he was saving it for someone else, so there for the guy had to look for another place to seat. This got me thinking, what makes the seat his. 

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