Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Take off your Glasses! Social engineer challenge #5

   First let me say sorry MzQueen Green because you were in fact my target. My task was to get specifically MzQueen Green to take off her glasses and set them down within my reach. I thought this was an impossible task but I looked through older tasks for inspiration. I decided to tell MzQueen Green that I was actually targeting Admiral Aquamarine. I Wrote her a letter and passed it to her acting suspiciously toward Admiral Aquamarine to convince MzQueen Green that Admiral aquamarine was my target.

  I beckoned her over after she agreed to help me and I told her that I told Admiral Aquamarine that she was my target to divert suspicion and Admiral Aquamarine kept looking at me and it really sold the deal. She became slightly suspicious but I diverted this suspicion by telling her that I had to get Admiral Aquamarine because he never gets tricked. She nodded in agreement and smiled.
The professors were making it especially difficult because today they were adamant to talk until the class ended and I didn't want to be rude. So I looked over at MzQueen Green and whispered that admiral aquamarine was watching.

I asked her for her glasses so I could see how I looked. She took them off and set them down on the table within my reach and I picked them up and tried them on. I looked directly at Admiral Aquamarine so she would believe the rouse and we giggle joyfully at the fact that he probably thought I was targeting him.

I felt bad that I was blatantly lying to MsQueen Green but I felt bed because I know her and realize what a nice person she is. If my task were directed at a stranger I think I might feel a lot differently about the situation.

Mission Accomplished!

Agent Raven Blue OUT!

Property III

Stuff we played with today (from property to privacy):

Video interview with Geohot

Anonymous press release

Some ideas on property

For your blog post, please inventory the ideas about property in the Anonymous press release that you read.  Identify short quotes from the press release and look at and figure out what ideas about property are implicit in them.  What questions are raised?  Then, consider: what do you think about these ideas?


"Possessing and sharing information."
It seems like Anonymous is claiming that you can "possess" information.  Is information a kind of property?  How can it be a kind of property?  I think it is--that's what intellectual property is.  But is it just my original work that is my information-type property, or can I also "possess" information I learned from somebody else?" (And so on, and so on.)

You should do many of these.  It's good to be able to see lots and lots of the implicit philosophical claims/ideas in a source like this.  :)

The post is due by 9:00 PM on Monday.

This is practice for your final project!  More on your final project soon.

Give A hug get a Hug! Social enginering task #4

My task this week was to get a fellow player to give me a hug without physically coming out and asking for one. I was skeptical as to how I could get this done. Originally I planned to target Admiral Aquamarine but then I found put he was taking the train and he disappeared before I could get a hug from him. I spent a week trying to figure out how to complete this challenge before next class.
   By Monday I had pretty much assumed that I had failed my mission and I was not going to post anything. I arrived at school today with the feeling of failure and as I walked down the hallway I saw Captain Black and inspector green talking outside of the class. An idea hit me when I saw them and I figured if I just reached in for a hug it would be hard to refuse me especially if I smile sweetly and say something nice.
   Captain Black was directly in my path so I pointed at him and smiled and said
"You, I love you." Then just b-lined for him throwing my arms around him and he hugged me back sweetly. I could see he was slightly suspicious but he couldn't say no which I think refers greatly to his character. Like myself if someone had approached me the same way especially someone I knew I would happily hug them back.

   Honestly I like this task because it involves manipulating a fellow player to get them to do something that they did not plan to do. I had no issues with this task more so because I like people and to manipulate someone to hug me does not seem harmful however if the plan was to get someone to hug me with the intention of me then picking someone's pocket the situation is different and I can understand why this is morally wrong and I would be uncomfortable.

Don't Lose Sight

I'm currently sitting in D lounge. As I type, some eccentric guy is making a presentation called "better grades in less time." Not only did his title slide contain MASSIVE COMIC SANS (in sky blue and neon green, no less), his opening statement was, "This presentation is to teach you how to literally spend less time studying, get better grades, and triple your reading speed with full comprehension!"

Wait, what? So, you're trying to tell me there's absolutely NO correlation between time spent studying and success in school? This guy's a great public speaker, but his platform makes no sense. Unfortunately, people are eating it up.

So what does this have to do with property? Think about this. This presentation isn't unique. There are hundreds of presentations and seminars every year, and people sometimes pay hundreds or thousands of dollars to attend these. People work their entire lives around what speakers tell them to do, or how speakers tell them to live and conduct their lives.

Consider this. Whose education is it if you base your study habits and attribute your success (or lack thereof) to what some speaker told you at a presentation? For people who make a career out of attending seminars, they lose sight of what it means to think for themselves. It's no longer their life and their philosophy; it's about what the last speaker they saw told them to do.

The property (the education, or life, or whatever), doesn't really change hands. It doesn't suddenly belong to the presenter. Instead, the individual loses control of it. The individual allows their life to be controlled by outside influences (moreso than would be normally expected), and essentially loses the claim to their success.

I forgot to do this last night, so these are my last minute thoughts before class. I thought this was interesting. Also, this guy's a dope.

- The Admiral

Monday, March 30, 2015

Property Observations pt2 
  • My friend owns a Honda Civic. He bought it with his own money. The other day he picked me up from work, and on the way to my house, we got pulled over by the police. His car is very low, he has made a few modifications, he has HID light bulbs for the headlights, and his stereo system is very loud. The cop ended up giving him tickets for loud music, altered vehicle height and having HIDs on. This made me think about property, if my friend purchased the car, shouldn't he be able to make changes to it.

  • I was on the MBTA bus on my way to work yesterday, the heater was on blast and it was very hot. Someone asked the bus driver if he can turn the heat off, because it was too hot, but the bus driver replied “I’m not hot, and this is my bus, if you don’t like it then you can get off”. This made me think, why does the bus driver think he owns the bus? Just because he probably drives it every day? So depending on how often you use something, it becomes yours?

  • I went to the movie theater this past Saturday. I saw Get Hard, very funny movie, defiantly encourage anyone to go see it. But what was interested was what I noticed. I got there early so the room was very empty, it started getting pack very quick though. I noticed this guy was saving the seat next to him for someone. When the room got packed, there was a guy that was looking for an empty seat and once he saw the one the other guy was saving, he quickly walked towards it. Before he was able to seat on it, the other guy told him that the seat was his and that he was saving it for someone else, so there for the guy had to look for another place to seat. This got me thinking, what makes the seat his. 

Proprietary part 2

I have been trying to make observations for the past week and I sow few things that I thought will be interesting to mention in this post:

  • I noticed in the class that everyone have been sitting in the same seat since the beginning of the semester, and we all think that each of those seats are the property of the student using them. Also if I decided to take someone’s seat, I am sure that it will bother the person who usually seats there.
  • I had a friend calling me for help to find a new apartment because he has to move next month, the owner of the building has some issues and needs to move back to the apartment that he was renting to my friend and his roommates. This situation made me think about how renting contracts works and who owns the property, the owner of the house or the person renting it.
  • Yesterday I bought a Raspberry pie which is a small computer (size of a credit card) to do some experiment with it, I was looking at small screens that I can connect to the motherboard to see if it will work.  I was thinking if it will be legal for me to buy an I-phone replacement screen or take the one from my old phone and use it. I paid for both the computer and the phone but do I really own them, am I free to use them do way how I want?


Leaderboard Week 6

Week 6
Admiral Aquamarine
Captain Black X31
Admiral Thistle 
Pink Mystery    
10 (2 Failed Attempts)
Agent Raven Blue
10 (1 Failed Attempt)
MzQueen Green
10 (1 Failed Attempt)
TheBlack Capo  
4 (2 Failed Attempts)

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Property pt. 2

During the past week I have been trying to observe how people claim property and how the thought of property is all around us. I noticed:

  • A couple at a table next to me were discussing what they should do this weekend and were going back and forth about which birthday party to attend. They then got into a discussion about their friend Jen, and how they should go to party because they both know Jen. Later in the conversation the lady at the table then said, Jen is my friend because we talk to each other everyday. While, the other person disagreed and claimed Jen as their friend because they knew her first. This made me think of property and how Jen would feel. Or if she even knew she was owned. 
  • I received and email inviting me to view some professional photos I had taken of my wedding. To view them I had to agree that the pictures of me, were now property of the photographer and I had to agree that I had no say in where, when, or how they were used in the future.
  • A bi-polar patient that is court ordered to take a medication against his/her will. The patient does not like the way the medication makes them feel and refuses to take it. However, the court can hospitalize and force medication if the deem necessary.
  • My residence is a three family home, and my neighbor/landlord is the owner of the entire property. The landlord will come on to our side of the yard, and remove our chairs/fire-pit to his side of the yard and use it at free will. He believes that the entire yard and its content is his, due to him owning the lot and home.

Mission #6 - Touch a fellow player

This week my mission was to touch a fellow player's hair or touch their head, with consent.

This was going to be tricky. I know I only had the length of the class to complete my mission, and we were all involved in the werewolf game. I thought about how to attempt this mission without drawing too much attention to myself, and without being really creepy. My strategy was to seem cool, calm, and collected, and to involve the player closest to me. MzQueen Green was sitting right next to me, and therefore became my target. As time went by in class, we weren't allowed to talk due to the ongoing game being played. Time ticked away and I knew I had to make my move. I leaned over to her and whispered that she had a little piece of lint in her hair and reached over toward her to get it out of her hair/head. She replied hesitantly, "Umm, Okay" and I finished the mission, touching her hair and head and pulling out a non existent piece of lint. My strategy worked and my mission was successful.

This mission was hard and a bit awkward for both players involved, but it was completed. During this mission I realized that people will let other people invade their space, even if it makes them uncomfortable. MzQueen Green could have easily told me to kick rocks, or swatted my hand away from her head quickly and I wouldn't have blamed her at all for it. People out their could prey on the kindness of others and the fact that most people will put themselves in an awkward position briefly to not seem rude or mean.

I feel bad using other teammates to complete these missions, however, it is for a grade and is just a game. I learned in last class that I have some "tells" while social engineering and will just compartmentalize this game in order to complete the rest of the missions without guilt. Til next week!

Social Engineer Challenge 6: Fake Confession

My task was to convince a fellow player that I was lying about a specific fact about myself that I told them earlier in this semester.

I actually tried to do this task with MzQueen Green as well because after class everyone rushed out but I don’t think she was convinced. So when Captain Black X31 texted me the following day I decided to take the opportunity to complete my task with him instead. We’ve been taking the same classes for a year now and when this semester started we shared our ages. I had planned to have a normal conversation that will eventually bring about our age topic. I went from how many weeks of class we had left to I can’t wait for summer to celebrate my birthday, hoping he would ask about how old I’m turning. It worked! He suggested an age and I told him differently. He seemed skeptic about the wrong age I gave him but I kept going along with it and quickly changed the subject to how old he was.  Mission accomplished.

My strategy of keeping it casual worked.

Captain Black X31 is another teammate of mine but we’re also really good friends. We’ve been completing our tasks using each other without knowing. It might be safer for us to keep our distance for the purpose of this class.

Completing this task makes me feel like I can convince a person otherwise. In other words lying to them and making them believe me.

I really do feel bad using my team mates to complete tasks but then again we’re all in this for a grade so we should all be more aware.

Social Engineer Challenge 5: Potty break

My task was to get a fellow player to go to the restroom with me.

I was thinking of a smart approach to this because asking a fellow player to go to the restroom with me would be too obvious. As soon as class ended I asked MzQueen Green if she was in a hurry to go home because I wanted to ask about something important but I needed to use the restroom first. She said she wasn't and curiously questioned what I needed to ask about. I decided to use a personal topic so she would believe me. As we walked out of class, I started walking towards the restroom and brought up the topic. I stopped in front of the restroom apologized and told her to wait because I couldn't hold it anymore.  She then followed me inside and said it was okay because she needed it too. Mission accomplished.

My strategy of not directly asking her to go with me to the restroom was pretty effective.

I can’t really do anything with getting a person to go to the bathroom with me but my approach can maybe make it possible to get someone to go elsewhere with me.

I felt pretty bad doing this because she is my teammate but she got me this week too so I don’t feel as guilty as I did.

Social Engineer Challenge 4: Twinning

My task was to dress like a fellow player and act like them the next class meeting. When I got this challenge I scanned the classroom for someone with “props”/accessories (hat, sunglasses, laptops, etc.) As class went by, I overheard Admiral Thistle saying she won’t make it to next class, so I decided to pick her. Unfortunately, I had an emergency and did not make it to class as well. I took note of what she wore that day, from how she had her hair to the color of her jacket, jeans and shoes. I also noticed that she wore sunglasses on top of her bun and has her laptop sitting out in front of her in every class meeting.

Two weeks later, I wore my hair in a bun, had black shades on top, black jacket, loose blue jeans and black shoes on. I also brought my laptop and had it out in front of me. I wasn't able to act like her since we had a class activity that I got way too into, but I was able to pull off her last task. Before class ended that day she sat her black backpack in front of the door. I made sure I brought a black backpack and sat in front of the door when class ended.

My strategy was to pick someone with enough props to pull off the look, because I don’t really pay attention to how people dress and only had that day to note what that person wore. Since I was able to pull off the task, I would say my strategy was pretty effective.

A moral stake of this challenge is being able to observe broad details to little details. Sometimes it’s safer to have a variety of styles so it would be hard to imitate.

Now that I completed this challenge I can’t look exactly like her but I can probably pretend to be like her maybe over the phone or the internet.

When I showed up in class I was hoping she wasn't going to be there because I felt embarrassed. I didn't know if she noticed or other students noticed. I was trying my best not to make eye contact with her but awkward enough Admiral Thistle and I was the werewolves in the class activity. >.< 


During the week of class I missed I was in the hospital and these are some observations I recalled about property:
  • TV- During my stay at the hospital my nurse welcomed me to my room and mentioned how lucky I was to have my own room, my restroom and my TV. Even if she referred to them as “mine” they weren’t really mine, it was just for the time being. I’m not allowed to take the TV home when I get discharged.
  •  Pills- The same goes for the medication I took. It was prescribed for me but I didn’t pay for it. Usually when we claim property it means that we paid for it, but my insurance is paying for it. So is it my pills or my insurance pills that I’m instructed to take?
  •  Food- The food I ate was provided to me. I didn’t pay for it but I ordered it so that somehow gives me the ownership to that meal. I consumed it and I can take it home if I choose to.
  • Seats- When I got discharged I waited for my brother to pick me up in the waiting room area. Before sitting anywhere in general we have to see if the seat is occupied. It’s pretty standard like in waiting rooms no one really owns a seat unless it is reserved for Handicapped. As to in a concert we usually pay different prices for seats therefore we have rights to have the seat reserved for us throughout that performance.

I find property interesting because there are numerous aspects to it. It’s usually standardized from buying it to rules and regulations. 

Grey Tuesday

Grey Album is a mash up album of Jay-Z and The Beatles made by Danger Mouse. Grey Tuesday was an online protest that was led by Downhill Battle (DB) to distribute the Grey Album online on a Tuesday, the 24th of Feb 2004. This was intended to protest against EMI’s (The Beatles copyright holders) desire to terminate the Grey Album due to copyright infringement. It was a successful protest with over 170 sites that hosted it and over 100,000 copies downloaded that day.

Grey Tuesday is an act of civil disobedience. Danger Mouse did not intend to disobey the laws or the original artists.  I personally have no problem with the album itself, I think EMI should be flattered. On the other hand everyone has different views and EMI did not give Danger Mouse or DB the permission to use their music nor to use it as a sample. Being inspired by an artist work is a personal matter and using that artist personal work is considered stealing and is against the copyright laws. The fact that this album went viral in a non-harmful matter makes it a civil disobedience but I still don’t think it was the right thing to do.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Social Engineering Challenge 6: Tradecraft

My challenge for this week: take a picture of a fellow player without their knowledge.

As the semester continues, I'm noticing everyone is becoming increasingly cautious of fellow players. This is certainly understandable, and I'm suspicious of pretty much any question or abnormal behavior. To accomplish this task undetected, I had to do some thinking.

When a presentation is being made, I generally lock my laptop (which causes the display to turn off) so I can devote all my attention to those presenting. During the presentation, I noticed some reflections in the dark, semi-glossy surface of the display. Perfect.

Once the lights came back on, the reflections became more pronounced. I angled my laptop for a clear view of Inspector Green, and...

Bingo. As a bonus, Admiral Thistle is also visible in the background. Mission accomplished.

My strategy, though low-tech, was very effective. This was much less suspicious than simply pointing my phone at someone, or attempting to snap a picture discreetly (and possibly getting caught). As for my morals, it's a bit creepy. But then again, I've done creepier things in earlier challenges (see: A Midday Stroll). I didn't have any malicious intent (other than collecting some sweet points on the leaderboard), so no harm done. This strategy could certainly be used in other settings for more nefarious purposes, though. This would be very effective outdoors in bright light.

Reflections are awesome.

- The Admiral

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Social Engineering Task #6: Closer Look

My task was to get a fellow player to remove and hand me an article of clothing or jewelry.

Well i decided to target my fellow team mate pink mystery.

I noticed that she was wearing these funky sunglasses on the top of her head.

I kindly asked her "what kind of glasses are those can i see it?" She removed it off the top of her head and handed it to me and I took a closer look!

I approached this task by basically starting a casual conversation, which is something i would've done anyways had this not been a task.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Social Engineering #6 "Right behind you"

My task of this week was to get a picture of a fellow player’s license plate.

My targets were Agent Raven Blue or Admiral Aquamarine since I know that they both have cars. After class they decided to leave together, I thought that it was even better. I followed them through the grown floor’s hallways, when they got to the exit door, Admiral Aquamarine went upstairs while Agent Raven went indirection of the parking, for that reason she become my principal target. I waited inside the building until I could barely see her and moved closer to keep her in my vision range. I put my sunglasses on just change a little my appearance so she can’t recognize me easily from far, I also pretended to be talking in the phone to use my hand to hide part of my face. Past the bridge she was walking in one side of the parking I stayed at the opposite side, When I sow here opening her car and getting in, I walked behind her so she can’t see me, always with the phone in my ear with the camera already on to take the picture, without stopping I past behind her car took picture of her license plate and kept walking forward.

Mainly for strategies, I was improvising according to the situation, beside when I had to fallow Agent Raven and Admiral Aquamarine in the ground floor in the school, since they were two of them I had twice more chances to be detected. Also there were no other people beside the three of us in the hallways, my strategy was instead of walking behind them directly and be obviously suspicious I preferred to stay hidden and slide my phone a little so the camera can see the hallway, that way I can see them and fellow there movement without being seen, also beside looking at someone directly, use the camera front or back and look at the camera instead, I was thinking that it will take the suspension away.  

I felt pretty bad about fallowing my too classmates, and invading their privacy, but I like to think that I had no choice since I want to get my task done.

Knowing that I have done this task, I think that the fact that I know Agent Raven Blue real name adding to that the Plate number can be combined for a purpose of getting more information about her.

As I said before I did not like the fact of invading someone’s privacy but since we are all playing this game I did enjoyed it, I felt like I was in a secret mission.

Social Engineering #5: Cinnamon Toast Crunch was here!

My task was to sneak the largest food item possible into our classroom during class.

Well, I thought and thought and came up with my sneaking this giant size box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch Cereal which is a favorite in my household. The dimensions of the box is 2.5 x 9.5 x 12.81.

I came to class a few minute after it had started. Mostly everyone was there already. I hid the cereal inside my coat and walked into class with my bag hanging across the front of me. I quickly took a seat, took off my coat and hid the box of cereal under the computer counter.

When class was dismissed, i took it out and took a quick pic.

Property Observations

I think what I have experienced personally best relates to this topic and my observations regarding property. My kids are hilarious when analyzing property especially when they try to calm argument regarding why they should keep their toys from the other. Most commonly it is my son yelling at my daughter that his toy truck is not meant for girls. My husband and I have similar arguments but it usually involves him using my tablet when he has his own. If he didn't have his own tablet I would let him use it without a problem. I think property issue can be found everywhere.

Most importantly for me is the issue of property regarding my book. Upon publishing it I had to go through a thorough content evaluation to be sure that nothing I had in my book was stolen. an issue was discovered when I used the lyrics in a song. I ended having to use a different song by a different artist and getting the permission to use it. I understand the difficulties regarding property and its importance.

Property observation

During my week of break, I paid a little more attention to aspects of property.

Seats- Since I ride the mbta daily, I don't always notice when people act like they own the seat they were sitting in. They act like its not "Public" transportation. I can understand if the train isn't that crowded, but if an elderly/disabled person wants to sit in the seat closest to the door, they should have the right to that seat. Instead, the majority of people don't offer those seats, maybe because they are lazy and don't want to get up, or maybe because they think "It's my seat and I'm not getting up. That guy over there can get up, but this is my seat". The other day, I was riding the train to work and the stop was Downtown Crossing. A blind man got on the train and clearly needed a seat. The woman sitting in the disabled seat didn't get up even after noticing the man's cane. The man sat on the woman, not knowing someone was there. The woman got up in shock, but couldn't say anything because the man was blind and she was in the wrong for not getting up immediately. If you're on public transportation, its not your seat, It's that simple.

Facebook Friend or Foe Social Engineer #3

This week’s challenge was to get a fellow player to friend/follow a fake social media page. I figured that if I didn’t just target one person my chances were greater I used a page I created months ago to take away suspicion that it was fake. I knew this challenge would be difficult especially with all of the other players being so cautious not to mention I didn’t have every player’s full name but I did have a few players’ names.

I sent friend requests through Facebook to Inspector Green, Admiral Aquamarine, Captain Black, and Pink Mystery I would have created a fake twitter but upon looking I was unable to find a twitter account for any of these players. Once the requests were sent I waited patiently for a week captain black and admiral aquamarine made me so I focused on Inspector green and pink mystery. I messaged them both through Facebook.

“Hi (Fellow Players name) I had a class with you last semester and I was hoping you might still have some of the coursework. I lost most of it when I moved. Thanks, Joe.”

It was sneaky to pretend to be someone else.

I waited until 12:01 AM on the 24th of March to post to see if anyone would snag the bate, but nothing so I am going to consider this mission failed. However I was thinking of ways that I could get this mission accomplished and I figured out most people will add a familiar face  so if I were to attempt this again then I would most likely find a familiar face they know but not someone they are close with and create a Facebook page that states.

“I am deleting my old page so add me on this one!”

Might work, might not. Any who I think this challenge test the gullibility of other players like if I was targeted then most likely the person would have completed the mission because I am always trying to interact with new people to market my book. I can see where this may be dangerous in some aspects and the privacy is an important matter when it comes down to it.

Better luck next time, Right!

Monday, March 23, 2015

Things about property that i  noticed these last couple of days,

Google Play Store – In my job I get a lot of people that buys movies, songs and applications from the Google Play Store. They think that by buying anything on the play store, they have full ownership and they can do whatever they want with it. But they really can’t, they are just purchasing a copy of it. For example if they purchase a movie, when they purchase it, they can watch it, but that doesn’t mean that they can copy it and distributed it, because they will be violating they copyrights. Same thing the songs. When they purchase an application, they are basically paying to use it, they don’t own it, so they cannot make changes to it.

Parking (during snow emergency) – During snow emergencies, people shovel out a parking spot for they’re cars. They think that because they shoveled, the spot belongs to them. Usually the states allows you to save your spot for a couple of hours, like a day or so. But after the space saver time expires, anyone can park anywhere they want. So since they worked hard cleaning the spot, people think that they have some type of ownership towards the spot and it does not work that way.

Rhapsody – In my job, customers can pay $10 a month and get access to Rhapsody, an application that allows you to stream songs, similar to Pandora, but unlike Pandora, Rhapsody allows you to actually create your own playlist, listen to your songs while offline, and it doesn't stop for commercials.  The problem I notice, is that a lot of people think that just because they pay $10 a month, they own the songs, but they actually don’t. They think that they can download the songs to their device and do whatever they want with it. They only paying to get access to the application, any content is still own by the Rhapsody company.

Chargers – My Boss has a section in the back of the store with all different type of chargers for all of his personal devices. He tied them all together, and he also attached them to wall. The reason why is because he doesn’t want anyone to take them. Since they are his, he’s making sure he maintains ownership by not allowing others to take them.

Observations on Property

Through my observation of people's behavior and thoughts on property have noticed:

  • People will tag what they believe is their property (i.e. tag their name on a carton of milk in the fridge at the workplace, therefore everyone knows who it belongs to and should not touch it unless consulting with the owner.

  • classroom etiquette; after a couple of weeks of people sitting in the same seat if one was to come to class and someone was sitting in the seat they usually sit in, they would feel out of place if they had to sit somewhere else and possibly might ask the person to sit elsewhere.
  • In a roommate situation, you may allow each other to borrow clothes when asked, but if you were to see this same roommate around campus with an item of yours that was taken without your consent you might approach the individual and demand that they return it immediately.
  • In a residential area, residents have this unspoken rule that the spot in front of their house belongs to them and no one is to park there. Should one day they come home and an unknown car is parked there, the homeowner might try to have the car towed or watch to see who parked there and give them a few choice words.
  • Some people hold their friendship to others as if that person is and can only be their friend. They become very territorial and do not welome newcomers around their friend. 

Basically i think sometimes property doesn't have to be something purchased, it sometimes are things that people think they are entitled to based on relation.

What do we really own?

Ownership is tricky.

- iTunes media. If I "buy" a movie on iTunes, do I really own a copy? Or is it just an infinite lease? I paid about the same amount as getting a physical copy in a store. I can download that movie on each device I own. I can stream it on anything capable of streaming from iTunes. So, I own it, right? What if iTunes experiences an outage? What if my account becomes corrupted, or iTunes shuts down for some reason? Looks like I don't own it anymore.

- Software licensing. I have a license key for Windows 7 that I paid for. That license entitles me to install Windows 7 on my personal machine. I don't have to pay Microsoft any additional money to use Windows 7. I also have a license key for Adobe Lightroom. I paid for a version that required a single purchase to "own" a license. Again, I don't have to give Adobe any more money. What if I wanted Photoshop? Well, Adobe has moved to a subscription-based licensing platform. I can get Photoshop for only $10/month! Great deal? Let's think about it. An old, single-purchase license was about $350. At $10/month, I'm losing money on the deal after 3 years. No thanks.

- I have a job, right? Or is it more like the company that pays me has an employee? We live in an at-will employment state, meaning any employee can be terminated at any time, with no advance notice, for absolutely no reason at all. Does that still make it "my" job if I have no control over whether I can continue to exchange services for money?

- Finally, consider the CharlieCard. The card is free, so I technically own it. I can do whatever I want with it...unless I use it fraudulently--then the T can confiscate it. What about the money I loaded onto it? I spent that money at the time it was loaded, not each time I use it to get on a bus or train. The MBTA spent that money 3 years ago. It's like a gift card--the company or store the gift card is valid for doesn't care if you don't use all the money on it. In fact, they'd prefer you leave a few dollars unused. They already got the money, so they're actually going closer to breaking even each time you use it. Now this begs the question: whose money is it, and when does it actually change hands?

- The Admiral


It's interesting to watch how people behave and think about property, I noticed many situations in the last few weeks, this is a list of examples that I witnessed mainly at work:

  • -       When I leave my lunch in the Fridge, I have to mark it as mine by using a sticky note that say my name, if not some may be tempted to take it (that happened before).

  • -       Am other example related to food at work, every Friday I have to double check that all my food located in the fridge has my name if not, the guy responsible of cleaning it will trash it. It doesn’t matter for him

  • -       Everyone at work has a computer and a AC adapter that goes with it,  I have seen that people when they lose their chargers they like to take other people chargers, they will even take that labels that has the name of the original owner. (not everyone does that but I have seen it happening many times).

  • -       Somehow in the parking, people will always manage to park in the same spots beside me, not sure if its due to the time they come to work or because other staff members knows that each is reserved.

  • -       If your disk is empty, people thinks its completely ok to use it, I think it’s wrong and I will never do that to anyone but I have seen it many times. 


I was not in class for the last discussion, but while I was on break I saw the following views and ideas regarding property:

  •  "Copyleft" -  I was on a cruise that was selling tickets to a show of iconic  musical impersonators. Not only were they selling the tickets, but also the personal cd's of your favorite icon impersonator and all of the top songs from that person. 
  • "NCLIS" - A play on NCIS by the Norwegian Cruise Line (NCL), where the actors on the ship portrayed the actors of the show NCIS for a murder mystery lunch. (Very entertaining by the way)
  • Radio Channels on board - We actually got walkie talkies on board to keep in touch with some friends, but had to hijack a radio frequency channel in order to talk to each other.
All of these items to me bring up questions about property. Do these ideas on property actual exist to anyone, or are they free for the public to enjoy. Are they taking away anything from the original, or the originator? I think not, and think that in no way was anyone hurt in a negative way.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015


Please watch/read these before March 23.

TED talk by Lawrence Lessig

Excerpt from Free Culture, by Lawrence Lessig

By March 23, at 9:00 PM, make a post.  In class, we reflected on definitions and ideas around property, and you were encouraged to keep your eyes open to interesting ideas about property as you go about your life.  This post should be a bulleted list of observations you made about property and its meaning and use during the break.

Mission #5

My mission this week was to get another player to carry my book bag. I had a few different ways of approaching this, and all of them barely worked. I attempted to block the doorway to the classroom with my bag and force a player to move and carry the bag to exit the class. However, when another teacher opened the door to come in a bunch of players escaped without touching my bag. Earlier in the class, I also attempted to sit at a table with other players and see what I could accomplish. I stretched out and said I couldn't reach my bag and asked a few players if they could bring my bag to me. They all quickly denied my request. They all thought my task was to make another player bring my bag to me, not just to simply carry the bag. Finally, after many attempts of not being able to reach AND catching a horrible foot cramp that landed me incapacitated, Agent BlueRaven was kind enough to care, and carry my bag. I would say my strategy was not very effective. I just lucked out.

Morally, I had to manipulate someone into completing a task for me. However, nobody was harmed in the process. I don't believe much information could have been obtained from this skill, unless I was going to raid all of her belongings once she got up from her seat to carry my bag. I felt bad manipulating another player. I also learned a lot more about the rules of this game during this process.

Overall, mission complete. Barely, but done.  Til next week!

-Admiral Thistle

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Social Engineering Challenge 5 "The right pocket of the jacket"

My task of this week was pretty fun; I had to put the task card in the pocket of a fellow player's coat or jacket.

When I got my cart they were only 3 student with me in the classroom, the only person with a jacket was Agent Raven Blue. Since she was located behind me and her jacket was handing on the chair. My plan was pretty simple, sneak behind her and slide the card in her jacket. I couldn't find the pocket on the jacket and I had to do some digging until I found it then slid the card inside, but it took me too long until I was detected, she took my card from her pocket and gave it to me back. I thought that now the best way execute my task is to target a new person, hopefully someone will come with a coat or jacket. Then I realized that Agent Raven Blue will not expect me to target her one more time and put the card in the same pocket, also the task just said to get the card in someone’s pocket, so my new plan might work.  I had to present today and I went to set up our Power Point, I looked at Agent Raven Blue and she was in the middle of a discussion with our professor, I walked to my seat and slowly put the cart one more time in the same pocket. I went to the front of the class did my presentation after I was done I went back to my seat, to make sure that this task will be successful I reached to the same pocked on her jacket one more time and pushed the card even further to make sure it will not fall out before the end of the class.

My first strategy was ok if the pocket was not hidden by so many things and easy to access. I had to get caught the first time to get my target to believe that I gave up and also to get pocket discovered and easy to access. I was able to access it two times after without being detected.

I did invade the privacy of Agent Raven Blue by putting my hand in her pocket, but likely the pocket was empty, otherwise that would bother me little bet.

In this task I did not gather any information from Agent Raven Blue beside that the right pocket of her jacket was accessible during class.

I honestly had a lot of fun, even when I got caught the first time we laughed about it, but accomplishing this task made me feel pretty good.

Social Engineering Challenge 5: Do You Feel Bad?

Checking in from class. Time to task completion: 60 minutes.

My task for this week: fake an injury in class and seek sympathy from a fellow player.

Looks like I've received another task that can only be completed in class. Instead of targeting an individual player, I decided to make a small scene and hope someone asked if I'm okay.

Today was presentation day for me. I had to be walking from my desk to the front of the room a few times, so I planned to trip on a chair during one of those transits. My plan only worked partially at first. I tripped, made a noise, and hobbled over to my destination. Some fellow players reacted, but none immediately offered sympathy. Prof M asked if I'm okay, but she's not a player. I could stop here and say mission failed, but I'm not giving up that easily.

I finished my presentation and took my seat. I waited a few minutes for a lull in the conversation, and remarked that my ankle was still hurting. I rejected Prof P's offer to seek medical attention, but noticed Agent Raven Blue stifling laughter. Bingo.

I turned my attention to her, and said, "You should feel bad." to which she responded, "I do feel bad!" The conversation continued for a bit longer, but I had elicited sympathy. She continued to laugh, but I could tell her sympathy was genuine. I can relate to the laughter; I commonly chuckle when I see others get hurt (assuming it's minor like stubbing a toe).

Through this exercise, I learned that Agent Raven Blue is sympathetic to others (though it may take some coaxing in some situations). I or any other players who noticed could exploit this later on to get information or favors from her. Sympathy is a very powerful emotion, and is very easy to exploit once it's been exhibited.

I myself felt a bit bad for exploiting the emotions of my fellow players. While this task was remarkably similar to last week's assignment, I had an easier time completing this task. We collectively know that we're actively attempting to exploit each other to complete these assignments, so I'm expecting no hard feelings associated with this. I had a harder time exploiting a stranger, as it's more difficult to predict how they might react.

- The Admiral

Monday, March 9, 2015

Grey Album, Grey Tuesday…
               The grey Tuesday was a day when many people decided to show civil disobedience towards the decision to ban the grey album due to the copy rights dilemma. The grey album is an album produced by DJ Danger Mouse, using instrumentals from the Beatles’ White Album and taking Jay Z’s a Capella from his Black Album.  Hundreds of people shared and downloaded The Grey Album online.

                The Grey Album and its controversy raised a lot of questions about property and ownership. Whether or not it was right for DJ Danger Mouse to take music that he had no rights for, and make it his own. I believe that what he did was not really that bad, because even though Jay Z and The Beatles have copyrights for their material, DJ Danger Mouse made his own modifications to the music, so therefor it was not the same. I believe that if you purchase the material, in this case the songs, you should be able to modify your copy all you want. 

Grey Tuesday

 With Grey Tuesday, although the individuals involved did not take the necessary steps to get clearance with sampling music from another artist, the public did not feel that it was right for EMI to order a cease and desist which would deny them a chance to hear this body of work.

Society does not like to be told what they can't do especially when its backs but some outdated law. If DB wanted to share the album for free i don't know why it should pose a problem since they own that body of work. In most cases the owner of the original work would have an issue with an artist not getting permission to sample as they do not want it to be used in a distasteful way. Then again sometimes they want all control which prevents an artist from truly putting their own spin on the work. 

If an artist/entity  such as DB decided to take on that risk then they should be prepared to deal with the work possibly not being heard. in fear of that they decided to just offer it for free because they truly believed in their work and felt it needed to be heard. Others felt the same way decided to jump on the band wagon and fight suppression. Suppression from freedom of speech.

Social Engineering Task #4

My task was to get a fellow player to friend a fake Facebook account I created. 

In a previous task, i discussed how hard i thought this would be because people are skeptical about accepting requests from people they do not know. They look at several things when receiving a friend request from someone they do not know.

So I decided to create a business page which offered ideas about creating candy tables for parties. After posting pics and writing a little summary about the company, i enlisted a couple of my friends to help me out by unfriending me and then liking the page so that there would be no trace back to me.

My target was Pink Mystery. Unfortunately i realized that when i invite someone to the page it states "my name" invited you to her page. So I thought about sending it to her via a link and asking her to support this small business as it is a friend of mine. Unfortunately, she had a family emergency  this weekend and i didn't think it was right to send her such a message during this time.

So unfortunately my mission failed.

Social Engineering Challenge 4: Less Than Legitimate

My task for this week was to fake an injury on the T and get someone to give me their seat because of it.

I knew this had to be done during a morning or afternoon rush, as I'd have the greatest chance of not finding already empty seats. Looks like I'm taking the train to work.

I pulled into North Station, and walked normally through the terminal. Once I had gone outside and could see the entrance to the subway, I paused to lean on a fence for a short time. When I was ready to start walking again, a whole new group of people would be around, none of whom would have seen me walking normally.

I've had a knee injury in the past, so I knew how to walk to make it believable. To sweeten the deal, I wore a brace under my jeans. I hobbled down the steps and through the faregate, and then into the elevator. The first green line train was fairly empty, so I rode to Copley and got off. By that point, most of the trains should have filled up at earlier stops.

I had to wait a few minutes, but one finally came through and it was PACKED. This was it. I hobbled on and found a man in a suit sitting close to the door. He was wearing headphones, so it took a bit to get his attention. Once I did, I took a little hop and winced before explaining that I'd recently had surgery. Before I could finish, he smiled and quietly stood up. I could see the look of pride on his face, like he felt he'd done his good deed for the day.

I half-sat, half-fell into the seat and sat quietly for the rest of the trip. Mission accomplished.

This was definitely one of the most unethical things I've done. I'm normally the one to preemptively give up a seat if I see someone board who needs it, so this one was difficult. I would never think of doing this on my own. I have no way of knowing if that man needed that seat and was just being nice. It's nice to know he'd likely do it again for someone who clearly needed a seat, though. A bit of faith in humanity was restored this morning.

As for what I could do with this, I learned that I can play off of someone's sense of pride. If, in a setting like a crowded train, someone asked if you'd let them have your seat, you're put on the spot. If you decline, you're a huge jerk. If you oblige, however, you know you'll look good, and everyone who sees the interaction is going to think highly of you, if even for a few seconds. It's a nice ego boost, and that can easily be exploited in public.

Difficulty of completing the task: moderate.
Difficulty of convincing myself I could complete the task: not at all easy.

- The Admiral

Grey Tuesday

Grey Tuesday--the grand protest. Thousands of Internet users join in solidarity against outdated and misapplied copyright laws. While original content creators should be fairly compensated for their work, those who use portions of others' work to create their own unique works should be able to do so without fear or reprisals.

In conducting what some call copyright infringement on a massive, coordinated scale, the participants of Grey Tuesday sent a message. Protests are not always explicitly legal, nor are the messages they send. Regardless of legality, messages sometimes must be sent. When is it right to send such a message? Well, when it's the right thing to do.

This protest set the tone for other remix artists, collection curators, and all those who would gain inspiration from the work of those before them. Morally and socially, creating such inspired or derived work became okay, with artists, politicians, and record labels alike hearing loud and clear that the masses will support what's right. Upset a few people? Nobody's wallet suffers. Upset enough people to create a worldwide piracy event? Reschedule those board meetings!

As for property, the Grey Album creates somewhat of a grey area. On one side, the original creators of the content own their creations (or their label does), and they expect fair compensation in accordance with copyright laws. Those who create mixes, on the other hand, also expect fair compensation for their work. If they have created something new by using something old, at what point is it no longer theirs? Using part of a drum solo from an existing song, or a few seconds in the background might not be enough to get a lawyer's attention. However, doing nothing but cutting pieces of two whole works together may not always result in new intellectual property.

If I take select chapters from two books, put them together, and try to publish that as my own work, I'd be sued. What then, protected the creators of the Grey Album?

Mission #4

My mission this week was to get another players password by shoulder surfing. This seemed easy enough, but proved to be harder than imagined. I watched each player like a hawk trying watch and learn any password I can on any computer, with no luck. Then it hit me... Phones! All I needed was to watch a swipe or a pattern being entered on a phone to complete this mission. I knew I limited time and started asking random questions about the color or picture on player's home screens. All the players were especially guarded this week, but it worked to my advantage. I made each of them very suspicious and a little jumpy. My strategy worked well. The players started to feed off of each other and jump in, which helped me. Admiral Aquamarine started looking at people's phones as I was drilling them about their home screen. Then it happened... TheBlack Capo grabbed his phone and hid it from Admiral Aquamarine and mentioned how no one could ever get to his home screen, as he touched his finger to his phone. His password was his fingerprint. TheBlack Capo then mentioned how the password was specifically to him, and solidified my mission.

Mission Complete!

While completing this mission, I realized that there are many levels of password security and that TheBlack Capo had a really good system put into place. I thought it was fun trying to watch all the players type in words as passwords, yet, I didn't want to draw too much attention to myself. Any information could be stolen this way, but a fingerprint can not. Morally, it is wrong to steal, and the only reason I would need a password from another player would be to hack their account of some sort, which is wrong as well. I think that shoulder surfing is a successful way to obtain information and this technique can prove dangerous to sensitive information. Many people are oblivious to what is around them or who is watching. Except for this class...these players are growing more and more suspicious and guarded.

Til next week!

-Admiral Thistle

Grey Tuesday

 Grey Tuesday was an example of online cultural activism that involved music and would grab the attention of lawmakers and politicians everywhere. Civil disobedience was used in a way to stand up for what was believed to a righteous event to open of the eyes of musicians and businesses.  I think Grey Tuesday can be justified by saying that it is okay to be influenced by others and create a "mash-up" of another artists work. During the mash up that Danger Mouse created, he did not hide the originators, or disgrace the original song in any way.  He also did not disgrace the original artists in any way, making this a new piece of art, that was just influenced by previous creations. This is not illegal and shouldn't be. In many ways it opens the door for the next artist to take the stage. This is how we evolve as a culture and a society. 

This action raises a few questions in terms of property, including if Danger Mouse needed to get permission from the Beatles and Jay-Z before making his mash-up. Was this creation new, or did it need to be treated as if it the originators were being wronged? Who's property was the "mash-up" hit? All these questions are raised after Danger Mouse went viral and Grey Tuesday took place. 

Gray Tuesday Prompt Response

    The Gray Tuesday action for those of you who don’t know was a massive organized distribution of banned LP to protest EMI. Basically The Gray Album was a mash-up of Jay-z and The Beatles works that had been mashed, mixed, rebooted to create something new. The album was originally distributed by Danger Mouse but when EMI (owner of the Beatles catalog) ordered a cease-and-desist Downhill Battle took over saying that it needed to be heard. The real issue I think is that the artist to the original works were never asked or informed of the making of the Grey Album. When it comes down to the civil disobedience aspect I understand why they believed it should have been able to be downloaded. I understand it because I too have had an experience in relation to copyright. There are very strict guidelines in how much of someones music you can use inside of another piece of music or even inside of a book. I learned that the hard way when my book went under content evaluation it was sent back because of copyright infringement it wasn't until a month later that I found out I couldn't use more than three lines of the lyrics in my book from an artist, because of the issue I had to reach out to writer of the music and ask for permission. I waited another moth and was ultimately denied usage of the entire song. So I chose a new song by a new artist and asked before I wrote it in and received permission. The artist agreed it was good publicity for both me and her.
   This is a common issue when it comes to copyright and in relation to Grey Tuesday it is understandable to want music that had been created using bits of other artists works but in any situation permission is required and it should be. I would be upset if someone were trying to do it regarding excerpts from my book so I understand it from an artist’s perspective.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Social Engineering Challenge #4 Can I use your phone real quick?

Hello all, this week was for me to get a fellow player to give me their phone while unlocked. This task would have been a whole lot easier if I were to target a stranger. What's funny about my challenge was that in the beginning of class before we had even picked our challenges, I was talking with Agent Raven Blue about letting people use our phones. This random guy asked to use her phone and she acted like she didn't have it. Agent Raven Blue would have made a perfect target if a series of events (Admiral Thistle) hadn't taken place. These events instantly made all the other players 100x more suspicious of everyone else in the room, asking a simple question would get flagged for suspicion. After class, inspector green, raven blue and I were walking when we came across captain black and pink mystery. I tried again with everyone, only to get laughed at. After raven blue and inspector green left to go social engineer each other, pink mystery and i walked to the train. While she was waiting for captain black, i tried to take her in as an accomplice to target captain black for my final effort. She suggested that i turn my phone off and act like my phone had died and i needed to use his phone to call someone. Captain black was not having that so he simply took my phone and turned it on. I should have taken the battery out if I knew he was going to do that, even still I'm sure he would not have given me his phone and I would have taken the battery out for no reason. I went home in shame. Mission Failed!

Saturday, March 7, 2015

The Gray Tuesday action

The Gray Tuesday action was a reaction made by thousands of people as an electronic civil disobedience, their goal was to restructure the music industry. To justify the Grey Tuesday action I would say that it should be legal to use someone’s work as a base to create something even better, as long as the owner of the first product agrees, in the case of this album,  Jay-Z’s, Paul McCartney’s and Ringo Starr’s approved the Project. As we discussed in the classroom the open source software are great examples, if the first Linux that was created in 1991 was not open source we will never have all this great operating systems that we enjoy today.

I think that in terms of property, the Grey Tuesday raise a lot of questions the most important one is who really owns the artistic product, the artist who made it like Jay-Z , Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr, or EMI the copy rights holder of The Beatles, who tried to cease distribution the Gray album.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Hello again, this week I had a second challenge since I missed a class. The second challenge I got was “Get a fellow player to follow you/GO with you somewhere off campus”.

If I thought the first one was difficult, were of course I was wrong. This one had to be the most difficult one I have gotten so far. Especially with everyone in the classroom being so defensive and having so many trust issues. I got this challenge about 20 minutes before class was over. I do not remember how I found out but I learned that Black Capo takes the T. I was going to make him my victim, I thought about walking with him after class and invite him to grab something to eat outside the campus, D’Angelo’s down the street was going to be it. But I tried to make conversation with him, I asked him a question and he didn’t respond, he told me he did not trust me, so there goes my plan. There was no way I was going to get him to come with me, so I moved on to a new target. This time it was my good current teammate Agent Raven Blue, (yea time for revenge).

Like I mentioned in my first post, Agent Raven Blue, Black Capo, Captain Black, Pink Mystery and myself were chatting outside the campus. (We still don’t know where Admiral Aquamarine went) lol. So when I accomplished my first task, I was on to the next, Everyone started parting ways and saying goodbye, That’s when I asked Agent Raven Blue what way she usually goes, she pointed the way so I asked her if she can drop me off at Sullivan Station, but she told me she doesn’t go that way, I asked her what way she goes and she said east Boston, PERFECT. I then asked her if she can give me a ride to work, I told her that I worked in Maverick Square in east Boston. At first she was a bit skeptic about it and didn’t believe me so she asked me if I really worked that day, luckily I was wearing my work jacket that said MetrpPCS on it. So she believed me and gave me the ride. I think she trusted me more because when we we’re walking to the her car, I told her that I had complete my task ( the first one – the shoe size) she was not aware that I had two. So I don’t think there was a reason for her to think I was targeting her. She took the highway 93 south and actually showed me a way to get to east Boston that I did not know about (better than the way I used to take when I drove, it was all traffic, traffic and more traffic) When we got to Maverick SQ, we came to a stop sign, I told her that my store was just around the corner and that she can just drop me off here. Once she dropped me off, I did not go into the store, who goes to work on their day off? Yes I was off that day, usually the days I got class I take the day off. When she dropped me off in the corner, I waited in the corner noticed she made a right turn, so the coast was clear I then walked straight to the Station, hopped on the Train and went home, home sweet home. By the way trains at this time are horrible….=/

 I believe I successfully completed the task because by her giving me a ride, she came with me to east Boston. Somewhere off campus. Even though I lied to her, most likely took time off her busy schedule, I had to do what I had to do. I am down on the score cards and I need to get up there with the rest of the players.
93 South, TD Garde.

Getting to East Boston.

Hello guys, the challenge I got for this week was “GET A FELLOW PLAYERS SHOE SIZE WITHOUT ASKING”.
Let me start off by saying, I had no idea how I was going to accomplish this one. As soon I got the challenge I started thinking about how in the world I was going to get this one done, I looked around the room and stared at everyone’s feet, and thought about things to say to start a conversation, but at the moment this wouldn’t work, since professor (M....a) was giving her lecture, It was going to be rude and awkward if I start a conversation with anyone in the room about SHOES.
Then I used our good old friend Google for some information. I search for way to get someone’s shoe size without asking, I found this post, about a trick to figure out someone’s age using their shoe size with some math involved. I was thinking about reversing the math and instead of asking for the shoe size I was going to ask a fellow player for their age and hope my math skills were good enough to find out their shoe size. But I noticed that everyone in the classroom was being over defensive, I tried to target Admiral Aquamarine by making a comment about his shoes but it didn’t work he dodge the conversation. I was going to ask Black Capo for his age but that wouldn’t work since Admiral Aquamarine made it very clear to him not to trust me.
After we were able to break free from Admiral Thistle’s entrapment. I walked outside with a group of fellow players (Black Capo, Admiral Aquamarine, and Agent Raven Blue), when we got outside to the front of the school, we seen two other fellow players (CaptainBlack, and Pink Mistery) by the way at this point Admiral Aquamarine was gone, he disappeared like a Ghost. We stayed chatting for a couple of minutes. I didn’t have that much time left so I had to make a move, I was standing in front of Pink Mistery, and so she became my target. I looked at her shoes and gave her a compliment,” does are some nice shoes, where did you get them”, “I want to get my girl the same ones” my plan was to start a conversation about her shoes and hope she would tell me the size, but she was also very defensive, but since I was standing in front of her, I seen that her shoes had the tongue out, and there was a white label on it, and what is usually on this labels? The SIZE, on the label it said 7. Pink Mistery IS A SIZE 7. I snapped a picture of her shoes, so you guys can see the label. I felt wrong snapping pictures of her shoes without her permission, I apologize, but in this case I needed some prove. 

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Social Engineering Week 4 "Orange in the bag"

My task for this week was: “Get an object larger than an orange into a fellow player’s bag.”

Previously I prepared a fake social engineer task card similar to the once used by the professor in class (same note card and marker), I wrote on it a task week 4 from class 2014 that I found on this blog in the 2014 section. I prepared the card to show it to someone to get them to trust me. 

When I picket the real task I realized that I only have two object larger than an orange, my tablet (no way I will use it for this task) and my ice tea can. I decided to use the can.

Next step scan the class for a potential target (Admiral Aquamarine ;) ) ,  there were only two targets that had open bags on the table; Agent Raven Blue and Pink Mystery. I first wanted to target Agent Raven Blue and just sneak behind her and put the can in her bag but it was going to be too obvious and wanted to see if I can find a better way to execute my task. It was clear that if I approach her and ask for any request, it will be too obvious, at this point I knew that I will have a better chance by targeting my very very good friend Pink Mistery. I had a two step plan:
1)      Get Pink Mistery to trust me Knowing that she will be suspicious with any request that I will ask her,  I tried focus her attention on something else and I decided to use my secret weapon ( the fake card), I told her that my task is a little hard and that I need to know who has a car, I said I can show you my card if you show me yours ( I just wanted to make sure that she will not target me and also it will look suspicious if I don’t ask her to see her card), I showed her my fake card which sais “ Get a plate number for a student Car ” and she showed me hers. First step of my plan was accomplished.
2)      In the second part I wanted to ask her to hide my ice tea in her bag from the help disk guy since we are not allowed to have drinks in the labs and IT classes, I wanted to make the request seems like a spontaneous idea that I had on the spot just to make sure that she will not suspect me,  I waited for the help-desk guy to go in the storage room in front of the class and I dropped my can in the floor and picked up quickly to hide it and said “the help-desk guy is out side I don’t want him to see me through the window” tried to put it in my small bag did not work and I turned to Pink Mistery and asked her if she can hide my ice tea can in her bag because of the help disk outside, she accepted and put the can in her bag.

I think my plan was effective, I am happy that I didn’t go with my first plan because both Pink Mistery and Agent Raven Blue did not leave the classroom, also I think that without the fake card I would never been able to convince Pink Mistery to help me with anything since she was on the defensive.

Since I did not put the object on my targets’s bag myself, I don’t think I Brock any privacy laws but I did break a lot of moral once by laying and betraying her trust.

I felt horrible to target my friend, laying to her and betraying her trust was a really hard think to do, I told her that she can take the Ice Tea at the end to make me feel a little bit better. I was happy to accomplish my task but I did not feel good about what I had to do to get it done.