Tuesday, April 1, 2014

speak a new language.

so. my task this week was to convince someone that i speak a different language. HA.!!
so i work at a supermarke, and on the same supermarket there is a sushi place. and the department where i work is right next to the sushi station. so what i did , i spend some time learning a few chinese words, just enough to complete the task. When the Chinese guys arrive to start making sushi, i greet them on chinese, and they answered me in chinese, someof my workmates look at me, like if it was weird. lol So i told them that i had learned some chinese at school (lie), and that hte sushi guys were teaching me some words in chinese.
they were Amazed 'cause the way i talk to the guys in chinese, that as far as today they still think i do.
......haahah so, brother cinerous knows a little chinese ha

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