Monday, April 7, 2014

Excerpt from Hobbes

[The sovereign’s authority is indivisible:] if he transfer the militia, he retains the judicature in vain, for want of execution of the laws; or if he grant away the power of raising money, the militia is in vain; or if he give away the government of doctrines, men will be frighted into rebellion with the fear of spirits. And so if we consider any one of the said rights, we shall presently see that the holding of the rest will produce no effect, in the conservation of peace and justice, the end for which all commonwealths are instituted.
I absolutely agree with what Hobbes says here that the sovereign should not delegate his authority as it will dilute his position. There are many instances in society especially Ancient Rome Empire where the consolidation of power was necessary. In the beginnings the Empire had complete power over the Empire and toward the end the emperor's position was weakened due the emerging power of his bodyguards, the Praetorian Guard. They were the ones that made emperors in certain periods of Roman history. If you look back and follow Augustus's example, he made his authority absolute and took power from the senate and the people. It was extremely effective and Rome flourished under his rule. Augustus did at one point share a portion of his empire in a sense with another man, Marcus Aggripa but he was still the emperor and firmly in control.  Napoleon also was a dictator. . He tried to establish a stable government but his power was absolute.  He also stabilized France and led it to prosperity with absolute power. He did attempt to make a stable government and "democracy" in response to foreign aggression but it can be argued that it was a totalitarian regime. The reason I reference him is not whether his actions were right or not but whether his absolute power approach was effective in holding his power. I reference the same with Augustus. And yes it was. I could offer up more examples but i feel that these demonstrated my opinion well. Napoleon was ultimately defeated and deposed but it shows that a leader who leads his country by himself with absolute power can not relinquish that power for any reason. 


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