Monday, April 28, 2014

Final ethics post

The power I feel with the hacking powers I’ve learned is to my friends, family, and loved ones. I feel like I have a responsibility to let them know that these things, such as SQL attacks and password crackers, and people who do these types of things and more, are out there and they can cause major problems. I feel the need to tell my loved ones that they need to be careful with the way they use computers of any form. I’ve been continuously sharing with friends and family (especially my parents) throughout this course about various things and how they can protect themselves. That is my biggest thing. I don’t want people I know and care about to get ripped off by thieves online. Any of the hacking powers I have obtained, I have no intention of using, unless it is in a working manner when I have permission to do so. Any social engineering I would do is just me being me – being friendly. That’s just the type of person I am. I wouldn’t use any information I gathered against people, that wouldn’t be right, and quite frankly it is beneath my character.

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