Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Remove an article!

Hi folks,
I was supposed to have a fellow player remove an article of clothing or jewelry... Pretty tough with the fact that i see each of you only once a week, i had to wait for our class session.
Fortunately or unfortunately, no one got even a watch on his hand until i tried to get Brother Cinerous who actually knew that i was doing my task on him, but...
I asked him about the neckless (chain) he wares. What materiel it was made of, that it's nice and that i could see it? He found it very suspicious for me to ask him that although i took my time in having a small conversation with him before asking him to remove it. So he told me: "N.Y you are doing your SE task on me, i know. If you want take it off". I knew i was caught and i told him: "Okay buddy, you got it! don't take it off".
I hope that next time i'm gonna get it without him or my victim noticing it as usual...


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