Monday, April 28, 2014

Cyan on this R!!

·      What sorts of moral responsibilities come with the hacking powers you have acquired this semester? Be specific and precise!
·      What powers have you acquired?
·      What responsibilities do you take on with those powers?

For starters, this class has been one of the better CIT classes I’ve taken since I’ve been attending this college. I have learned quite a lot of very cool and interesting things, especially the newfound hacking skills I have acquired. I may not currently be sharp with using these skills, however with practice, I can easily develop these skills (Something we’ve been doing the entire semester with the SE skill).

Hacking powers, these skills are wonderful to have. The power to penetrate high level security systems and do recon on valuable data, which can use to get what you want. Now, that brings up the question, is getting what you want using those skills the right thing to do? Is it moral? Well, my answer to that is, OF COURSE NOT! You can’t just go about taking stuff that does not belong to you. You may have the bigger “balls”, but stealing is not considered morally acceptable. I may know how to crack FTP usernames and passwords using brute force techniques but I won’t be going around to people’s FTP servers and trying to break into it to get whatever I want. I wasn’t given the permission to go into their server, so I have no right and to be in there. Also, I have the knowledge and skills necessary to socially engineer users into getting crucial information from them about their company, which can put them at risk of loosing their job. If I don’t have the job title of “Penetration Tester” for their company and even if I was, and wasn’t given the authority to do it, then I have to right to go around and socially engineer people until I know every dark secret about them and the company: I can get into a lot of trouble if I did and got caught. With these skills I’ve acquired this semester, I’m going to have to be careful when, and how I use them and (if I do use them) use them for the right purpose and not deface anyone’s property.

Although I have attained a lot of power, I have not completely mastered all of the hacking techniques I have learned. The only skill that I believe I have developed a lot is my social engineering skills. At the start of the semester, I didn’t think I would have survived doing the social engineering tasks but as I got more into doing it, it became easy and fun.

"With great power there must also come--great responsibility!"

I take all responsibilities on these powers. It is my duty to realize that these powers are for the betterment of me and everyone around me, not to hurt and destroy. Although, I argued that justice is used by the powerful to control those that are weak, I will try to be just in my decisions and keep within the confines of the law.


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