Monday, April 21, 2014


As its said depending on the culture in which we are coming from, the world is ruled by two main forces: Good and Evil. From these two word derive the interest of all as humans or citizen of a nation. Doing good or evil is a result of an action taken by someone, then we juge it good or evil. Thus comes the word “judge” or “justice”. What is it?  Thrasymachus, in the text submitted to us said that justice "is nothing other than the advantage of the stronger."  Do we agree?  Why or why not?

            The word “Justice” has different kind of meaning, depending of the situation or context in which we find ourselves. Let’s take few of them and explain. Justice means just behavior or treatment for example a concern for justice, peace, and genuine respect for people. It means also fairness, justness, fair play, fair-mindedness, equity, evenhandedness, impartiality, objectivity, neutrality, disinterestedness, honesty, righteousness, morals, morality.
Per definition we see that justice is about being right or fair or moral. In our society today, are we living in justice? We would say no, because we are seeing a world where the strong or powerful uses his or her power to step on the poor or the weak. Looking at the political views in the world, we witness that, for instance the NSA listening to people’s conversation, wars, embargo, etc. Sometimes innocent people are condemned because they don’t have money to pay a good lawyer to defend them, and those who are really guilty, with the power of money may corrupt the judge or the Supreme Court, depending of their social class. We also have the case of women looking for a job or a certain position (this doesn’t apply to women alone because men are also victims of that), they may be asked to sleep with the boss before or they won’t have that job or position (this happens a lot in Africa).

            Thus said, we can conclude by saying that Thrasymachus’ statement is totally true because what is supposed to be fair or morally just in everyone is sometimes the case in front of some people but not all.


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