Tuesday, April 15, 2014

My social engineering task of this week.

My social engineering task for the week was: get a specific player to take a present. After last class I waited until the targeted player left the class-room and I followed him, he stopped in the hallway since it was obvious to the player I was following after him, so I approached him and tried to hand him a pen, I told him it was his, he said -“that is not my pen”- and when I looked at the pen I was trying to hand him I realized it was not the pen I had just bought before arriving to class for the purpose of this task. I searched my packet and pulled out the right pen I was supposed to give him, I tried to hand it to him while I made the joke that the professor is making me play secret Santa in the class, but he refused to take it. He said -“I don’t want a green pen”- so I replayed -“OK, thanks”- I turned around and walked away. So I wasn’t able to make the target take the present. I could of have taken the time for the presentation of the gift but didn’t get the chance to gift wrap the pen. I thought that since giving a present to a stranger is a fairly unusual thing to do, I didn’t think too much on how to deploy the random act of kindness, I felt that anyway I tried this was going to be kinds of weird anyway.

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