Tuesday, April 8, 2014

conpany contract re-loaded

I Brother Cinerous establish this contract between me and any new hired to this company. This contract shouldn't be violated, as for both parties agrees to the same terms these is what we expect of you:
>  you shall no disrespect others.
> you shall follow other rules and companies policies.
>  you shall no share any information with outsider.
> you cant' sexual harrast anyone
> you can't be violent or use violent during working hours, or on conpany premises.
>  you should always be presentableduring your working shift. (we encourage to be presentable outside working hour too)
 >  you should no come with any synthoms of alcohol, or drugs.
> you should notified 1-2 weeks, prior if you need a day off.
> you shall always be on time, if tardy call in advance.
As owner of the company, the conpany itself agree to follow the rules, and give the following benefits to those who don't break the rules established avobe.
. Employee of the month.
. Bonus (twice a year).
. vacations
. help with any need you have and can be helped by us.
. party event for workers only.
. a peaceful enviroment as long a you guys cooperate too.

 This being the policies to which you agree by signing this contract, and should not any party break the rules to which they concent. The company itself is subjected to diciplinary actions, as wee as the employee. the only way, a breakage of these rules will be allowed is under the condition that  if one party's actions directly interfere or affect the other party.
**Any violation to these policies, may result on severe diciplinary actions, according to the strenth of the violation. 

Employer Brother cinerous.

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