Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Last Social Engineering task

My last social engineering task was to get two landlines numbers from a couple of our fellow players or a couple of home address. For this task I wanted to use most common resources available online that reverse name or phone number lookup. I have two home addresses and I think I could get more but I need to do verification of the other address. As far as the phone numbers go, I was able to find landlines that might not belong to any of the players but according to my resources thy might belong to someone close to them such parents or relatives. Without even looking for any of the follow information I was able to find: Facebook profiles with pictures of a few players, some YouTube videos, LinkedIn profiles and some other information about the players that would come up by googling their name and connecting dots, example: a scholarship (very nice). I even know what high school he graduated from, etc. I would not call this one a fail, I would call it an incomplete as THERE IS SO MUCH MORE-information that can be found in the internet.

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