Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Implied consent

What is implied consent?
Implied consent is a legal term used for an agreement that contingent from signs, action or fact. Also inaction or silence. For example when we became as citizen or chose to live in this county, be give implied consent to abide the law for this county.
When, if ever is implied consent morally acceptable?
In my opinion implied consent is morally acceptable, for example. Girl gone wild case is close to I think implied consent. She knows what she was doing and she is adult and make her own decision. It depend own self to know what are the situation and how to handle. Some time you can’t control the situation. Just like girl gone wild case.
When is it necessary to obtain explicit consent?  Give some examples--they don't have to deal with the body and sex, as these examples do, but they should *not* be associated with computers.
Explicit consent mean that both party agree or disagree on agreement. Explicit consent necessary when we are verbally or writing on clear document. For example, when you in the grocery store asking about zip code were you live so they know where you communing from without saying we are taking your information. Also in bank.
How does the problem of implied vs. explicit consent apply to computers, and specifically, to ethical hacking?  When would an ethical hacker need to make use of this concept?

The problem of implied vs. explicit consent apply to computer is depend on what law of the county and what we have to follow. As we thinks of ethical hacking it depend on what contract between the client and administrator have. They have to follow the law. The ethical should know what is known what is different between explicit consent and explicit consent and when he has to using it. 

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