Monday, April 21, 2014

Ethics strength

Thrasymachus said that justice "is nothing other than the advantage of the stronger."  Do you agree?  Why or why not?
Does having the ability to do something make it morally acceptable to do that thing?  Put differently--if you canmay you?  Why or why not?


If you can do something, may you? It depends. I can go to the store and buy milk, should I? Yes my nutrition depends on it. If I can go take someones else s milk because I am a bigger guy, should I? No, that is not my milk and their nutrition depends on it. Is it the last milk on the planet? then we it gets a little hairy. It isn't my milk and it will adversely affect my neighbors survival? But if i don't my family may die. As Darwin said "Survival of the Fittest" There are no rules in nature. Once society breaks down, it reverts back to nature. We have to compromise to survive. Lions don't give gazelles a head start. They don't say oh that poor zebra has a busted leg, what a shame. Nope, they eat that zebra. I say that because you need to get food.  Unfortunately while we all live and thrive in this outstanding infrastructure, once clean water and food become scarce its all up for grabs. You have to eat and their will be competition. I don't mean to go murder everyone, I mean you may encounter conflicts that would require you to use force. There is competition everyday. Same thing but with much more serious repercussions. Survival is our highest instinct, Look at the cases of the Donner party, and the soccer team plane crash. They resorted to murder and cannibalism. Should you do all of that? Nope it is wrong and horrible but they would have died if they didn't. Disclaimer: I would never be a cannibal.  I may have been watching too much zombie survival horror, but I honestly feel that if there was an absence of legal consequences, only the strong would survive. Even now, you have to be stronger than others to make it, whether it be mentally or physically. Job applicants don't pick the weakest candidates. That being said, I do not in anyway condone bullying, extortion, violence, forcing others to do things against their will, or any acts that are horrible and would cause harm. The only time I would advocate use of force is if you or your family is being threatened, or if in service of some form of military in protection of your homeland against an adversary or threat that would cause its occupants harm. 



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