Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Implied consent

For next week's class, please read the following articles, all associated with problems of implied consent.

Missouri woman loses lawsuit over 'Girls Gone Wild' video
"All your boobs belong to us: Some thoughts about consent while female"
"Antioch's Sexual Offense Policy: A philosophical exploration" by Alan Soble
"Ah! My foolish heart" by Eva Feder Kittay

By Monday at 9:00 PM make an original post to this blog answering TWO SEPARATE prompts:

1. What is implied consent?  When, if ever, is implied consent morally acceptable?  When is it necessary to obtain explicit consent?  Give some examples--they don't have to deal with the body and sex, as these examples do, but they should *not* be associated with computers.

2. How does the problem of implied vs. explicit consent apply to computers, and specifically, to ethical hacking?  When would an ethical hacker need to make use of this concept?

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