Monday, April 7, 2014

Learning Contract between a Student and a Professor!

The following is an agreement between a student and his or her professor.

The terms of the agreement are as follows:

The student will:

·         Read the syllabus and the book

·         Study hard

·         Be responsible for his or her own researches

·         Submit assignments on time

·         Come to class on time

·         Never miss class

·         Ask  permission for absence

·         Respect the classmates and the professor

·         Pay attention and participate in class

·         Ask questions related to the course when needed

·         Not use his or her cell phone in class

The professor will:

·         Be on time in class

·         Teach relevant informations that matter

·         Give assignment early

·         Assist the student in his academic year

·         Make sure the student understand the course

·         Respect the student

·         Evaluate student often

·         Grade student fairly

This contract is rendered null and void if the student fails to achieve the designated goal. The contract will be reviewed every semester.


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