Monday, April 21, 2014

Justice, the republic.

I completely disagree with what Thrasymachus said that justice “is nothing other than the advantage of the stronger.” I agree with part of the conversation that justice serves some type of interest, but disagree that is that of the stronger only. I believe that in a real democratic and just society, justice should serve the interest of protecting others from unjust conditions or aggression. This aggression or unjust conditions toward an individual can come from another individual or from the government itself which in Thrasymachus view is the stronger one with the advantage. I also do not see the superior advantage of injustice unless the type of government that Thrasymachus was referring to was a tyranny that I believe is the only way that injustice can serve the purpose of the governing entity only.

          In most cases the circumstances in which people act is what makes actions right or wrong, not the ability of doing something and acting out of that ability, but why and action is done not only in the sense of the reasoning behind actions but also the circumstances in which actions happen. If a young man was walking down a dark alley street and in that street the young man finds an old man and then kills that old man just because he can get away with the crime. This example is not only a morally unacceptable action but an injustice. Now, let’s suppose that the young man kills the old man because he is the only person on earth that knows that the old man getting killed has planned to attach explosives to his body and has schedule a suicidal detonation of those explosives in front of a building full of orphans and no one would believe the young man, then it might not be so morally unacceptable for that young man to kill the old man in that dark street and get away with the crime.

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