Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Social engineering task-

Put a sticky note on someone without the person noticing.

I was able to complete this week’s social engineering task at work, this was fairly easy. I did it a couple of times more because I wasn't satisfied with the first attempt. I felt that it was very difficult to put a sticky note on someone at work without the person noticing, since I try to be respectful of people’s personal space. I noticed that the engineer that sits across the cubicle from me had his jacket hanging there off the cubicle wall, so what better way to put something on someone if they don’t feel that they are being touched. I just put the sticky note right under his sleeve so that way he didn't see it when he puts on his jacket. Just in case that the first victim was able to notice the sticky note, I walked to another department where I do have a couple of buddies and I give one of them a salutation that included a couple of pats on his back and a sticky note. 

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