Monday, April 21, 2014

Plato 's Republic Homework

Thrasymachus said that justice "is nothing other than the advantage of the stronger."  Do you agree?  Why or why not?
Does having the ability to do something make it morally acceptable to do that thing?  Put differently--if you canmay you?  Why or why not?

After reading the on Plato's Republic, the quote that used in the book  "is nothing other than the advantage of the stronger" that i do not agree with that, because i have different way of that Thrasymachus argues that justice, or morality. The way it said that stronger can control weaker. The Justice  make by the stronger people weak people have to work. In my opinion justice mean there is no stronger or weaker. There is always some way is some one is stronger. It all depend on the person. for example, some person can be smart but not Strong. The justice don't follow  who is stronger or weaker it base on society and the law.  

Having ability to do something doesn't make it morally acceptable to do that thing. so If i have ability to go to people house and still every thing, but it doesn't mean i will every one house and still. It depend on the what situation you are in or what person thinking what is right to wrong to do. 

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