Monday, April 21, 2014

Final Task... bleh!

Okay so after a week of planning, I decided to finally execute my final social engineering task on a close family member during Easter Dinner. I knew in order for this to work, I had to capitalize on my current health situation as the entire family knew what I was going through. So during our lovely boiled dinner, a few family members asked about my current health situation, I promptly decided it would be a great idea to bring up the facts and details about the car accident and health related issues. This included my brand new car to the accident with police reports and insurance paperwork which I will use to file a bodily injury claim against the other party that was involved in putting me in my current situation. I promptly explained all the doctor visits I been through, including all the stress and mental anxiety I have obtained as a result. As we approached the end of the dinner, I told my uncle that I had some extremely important information I might have to leave him with, such as attorney papers or power of attorney legal documents in the event something happens to me. I explained to him that these needed to be stored in a safe place such as a safe and if there was any way he could do so. He said of course he could store it in a safe place. So I thought to myself (happily) I could finally see the inside of his safe. He asked me to go to the garage with him and I promptly did so. Low and behold he took me the corner of his garage and opened up a very sturdy container that looked quite large to be a safe but looked like a vertical vault. As I looked on in disbelief, it was a safe containing massive firearms. I put my hands over my head and just didn’t even bother to continue my conversation as he said to me, “no one will ever know your stuff is here, not even the wife”. I was thinking a safe, safe… not a firearms safe. He asked me when I could get the documents, I told him in a few weeks. (right) So my attempt was half accomplished & this ended up where I saw too many things I shouldn’t of.

1 comment:

  1. ahahahah no kidding man, you did see a safe..
    i give you a 8 on thattask, well done
