Monday, April 28, 2014


First i would like to answer the spider-man question? How would I do it if i were spider-man? Everyone gets one. If i already saved you and you are in trouble? Too bad, should have thought it out. Everyone gets one.
What powers have I acquired? None really. I could already BS which is the backbone of social engineering. as far as technical hacking powers, I learned the power to Google it and figure it out for myself. What can I do with a database that has access to all information ever known to mankind? i know what you are thinking, cat pictures or pornography. Nope. Wrong answer. Just think about the weight of being able to learn any skill with a click of a mouse or be able to access any piece of knowledge that is protected or otherwise. That in itself is a huge responsibility. Do I use this power to teach myself skills that would compromise the integrity of the internet or society in general? Or do I use it to learn and better myself as a person? Do I focus on personal development and then channel that into efforts that benefit society as a whole? I felt the need to reference this as a power because as most people don't realize or take for granted that it exists. Imagine if some of history's greatest minds had access to this unlimited resource? The sky is the limit. The moral responsibility with this is measurable as well. We should all use this together to expand on our current knowledge and attempt to better society. To not use it as a platform for racism, anarchy, as well as other nefarious deeds. I personally take on the responsibility that now I know there are methods out there to break into computers or commit cyber crimes such as fraud, I must not take part in those crimes. I should with my knowledge try to put a stop to people that are engaging in such behavior. I should use my knowledge to make other people aware that their information may not be safe, and methods they could use to enhance their own personal information security.

Edited 5/2/14

Per our discussion in class you wanted more specificity. The why. I felt I illustrated it some what clearly but I will elaborate. Why is the information on Google or googling in general considered a responsibility? We have access to a shared resource that can answer any question or teach any skill known to mankind. There are unlimited sources for your questions to be answered. That is a huge responsibility. Why? Because I could use that knowledge to build bombs, rob banks, social engineer or scam people, make and/or sell drugs and every other awful thing that my brain could imagine. It is all on there. My imagination is my only limit.  Before we didn't have that type of exposure but now anyone can manipulate information for their own personal gain. Why are those things wrong? Because they could potentially cause serious harm to a great number of people? Why is harming people wrong? Because it is. It violates the law and our moral responsibility to not hurt and maim others. So what should we use it for? Good. What is good? The active effort to improve society as a whole through thoughtful and considerate actions. The effort to try and help people and create things or ideas that improve the quality of people's lives whether it be by making them smile or curing cancer. Any degree of effort to improve anything for the greater good is in itself good. Also trying to actively stop people from using it to commit evil acts if it is within your power. In addition my definition of the "right thing" is to do what you consider right when no one is looking. Not to have an agenda to do it for praise or personal gain. The reason power and responsibility are connected is you need to be careful how you use your powers. If you have the ability to commit outrageous acts of sabotage and violence you should not engage in said acts and use your knowledge of this medium to teach others how to stop and prevent those malicious actions from hurting others. Become a beacon of light in the fight against darkness. Use your past transgressions or associations as a vessel of good to pave the way for others. You can be an instrument of change in this otherwise obtuse world. That is your responsibility in regards to your powers. This applies to other things such as your voice, your heart and your will to live and breathe free air. To use those tools to the best of your ability to make the world a better place.   I feel this expresses my idea on this subject and to elaborate further would be redundant. Thank you for your time.



Your friendly neighborhood Patient Zero Blue

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