Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Ethics Assignment (Sorry for posting late)

Thrasymachus said that justice "is nothing other than the advantage of the stronger."  Do you agree?  Why or why not?
Does having the ability to do something make it morally acceptable to do that thing?  Put differently--if you canmay you?  Why or why not?

I agree with Thrasymachus and his statement about justice being “nothing other than the advantage of the stronger”; my reason for agreeing with this statement is because we live in a society full of laws and rules in which we are supposed to follow. There are certain laws that exist because certain people of wealth created these laws. For instance when I think about “the war on drugs” I view it as an unconstitutional war against the American people since we are the number one drug consumer. People should have a right to determine what they want to put in their body and things they do not want to put in their body. Another thing I can also relate to the topic of justice would be the Monsanto issue some people are not aware about. This specific issue is in regards to farming and does not permit the federal government to halt the sale or planting of genetically modified (or genetically engineered) organisms. The Monsanto protection act basically allows a farmer to plant seeds even if they are found to be hazardous to human health. Again this is a situation in which “justice” cannot be done because there are laws and provisions in place to prevent the procedure of justice. When money is the motive it can corrupt people and harm those who are not wealthy. Since money is equal to power than it can enable the stronger to determine what justice is or have certain things in place in order to prevent justice being pursued. “Just as no action of a man can be interpreted without hearing what he says about it himself, no speech can be accepted on its face value without comparing it to the actions of its author. The understanding of a man and his speeches is a result of a combination of the two perspectives.” It is not often that in politics what they say and what they do coincide with one another. Going back to the idea of people having free will over their body and having the right to decide what they can or what they do not wish to put in their body should be up to that person. I do not agree nor think that just because someone has the ability to do something than it is morally acceptable. For instance, if a farmer has a GMO crop of corn that has been linked to cause a certain cancer or cause other dormant diseases to activate within certain people it is not morally acceptable for them to continue to plant and harvest that crop since it causes harm to the consumer. Now if the consumer is aware of the harm, such as the harm caused by smoking or doing other drugs than it is their choice but if the consumer does not have any knowledge than it is not morally acceptable. I believe that if you wish to put something in your body than that is up to you if you are well aware of the impact it may have. If you are ignorant towards what you are eating then it is not your fault. Just because someone has the ability to do a certain thing does not justify that thing as being morally acceptable. Knowing right from wrong and having respect for other people and their rights to live a healthy life knowing what they are consuming and how it may have an impact on them. I believe as long as your actions or words do not cause harm or detriment to other than the phrase of “if you can may you” is acceptable. So to restate my point since i might seem like I am rambling, I do agree that Justice is “nothing other than the advantage of the stronger” and not by means of being physically stronger but financially or politically “stronger” per say. If a certain “thing” does not harm other humans, mother-nature or its creatures then that “thing” is morally acceptable. 

Just because I agree with Thrasymachus view of justice does not mean I think it is right, thought that was something that needed to be said. If anyone has ever seen twelve years a slave than they would know that justice is only built for certain people. Just like there was never any justice done when the economy crashed back in 2008, nobody ever did any time behind AIG or any other large corporate fraud. Justice is a private sector that is built for profit. Much like the US is the worlds largest drug consumer we incarcerate the most people as well. OK I think I am done trying to make a point. 

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