Friday, April 25, 2014

Final Task

My Tasks were as follows

1. Sneak (or take) a device of high importance from work and bring it to class, don't know exactly what yet.
2. Sneak something very delightful into our next class...

For the first task, I was gonna try ans sneak out something form my supervisors office, however, he only has huge computer towers in his office and I can sneak out with one of those. I thought I was luck when I was give the task of setting up a new MacBook air for the CEO of the company. I would have made up and excuse to bring the computer home with me so I could finish the configuration at home and bring it to school for the next class, however, friday afternoon as I was about to leave, my supervisor tells me that the CEO needs it the next day (Saturday) so I couldn't take it home. So I ended up failing that part.

The second part I think we all somewhat enjoyed it. The pizza was Okay. It took quite alot of planning to get to it being successful. What made it more difficult was that I had a weekly training event that I needed to attend before class, So i had to quickly get the stuff together and luckily it was a hot day, so I left the "stuff" in my car under the heat to keep it warm. I did successfully get it into class. 50/50 is good enough. :)

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