Friday, May 2, 2014

last ethics assigment

What sorts of moral responsibilities come with the hacking powers you have acquired this semester?  Be specific and precise!  What powers have you acquired?  What responsibilities do you take on with those powers?

What do you believe?  What are your values?  Some of you did this, but not all.
-the ever-present question, "Why?"  So, once you take care of the specifics, you've staked your claim on what you think the is right thing to do with your hacking powers--what your moral responsibility is.  Now, why is that the case?  Why is that the right thing to do?

   among this semester; we have gather/acquired some special powers. Hacking and Social Engineering being the most common and most powerful ones. HACKING: with this power of hacking, comes many special abilities, upload a file, fishing, this power of hacking is  a great one, that we need to protect and take care of it.
With this power of hacking, comes a great responsibility of to know when to use it. Among this semester we have learned ethics, and they have thought us what is good, bad, precise and unpresise.
is in our conciense, to determine as to where to use and how to protect; we cannot go around telling everyone that we have these abilities, they are for people with the right "level of access" only. Hacking can do a great deal of harm to any person,  therefore we need to protect this abilities and only used them whenever necessary, whenever we have a job, or whenever we believe that is necessary, and also whenever the law allow us, it will be better.
my moral values of no doing wrong to none, be honest,  this values among with my religious belief wouldn't allow me to hack someone or do harm in that manner to a person; my ethics of always ebing honest, loyal, careful, dedicated, all of those are things that wouldn't allow me to attack someone that is in a clearly disadvantage or just hack for the fun of it...  
SOCIAL ENGINEERING; the most brutal, and dangerous way of attacking a company or a person. Through Social engineering, we can hack, impersonate a person, do recon, we can gather as much information as possible, and when we have accomplished our mission. PUFF!!disappear.
it depends on how we use this ability. At least for me there are certain things taht shouldn't cross the line, certains things that shouldn't be done, so My Social Engineering abilities,we can say are somewhat limmited by my moral values, do that they are the ones who help me to live with a clear conscience. this also has somet ethics values to it, like certain task that i believe are right and some are wrong. for me i wouldn't be able to lie to someone for a very long time, or to get somebody to do something wrong from me, although i admit it would be cool. but if i do that, what have i accomplished? in order for me to feel proud of what i am doing, or about to do i need to do it myself or at least that the person who does know she/he is doing it for me, and don't lie to her.
the everquestion as "WHY"  my moral responsabilitiy is to have a great responsability with my powers. i may live in a different world that most of the people were this world is balanced, and at the same time is rule by God. is my faith, ethics, and moral values that throughout the years it ahd help me to build up my character. the right thing to do is what i beleive is right, and what my concience, moral values, ethics, tell me to is right. i can no live in a life, where i have the oportunity to do the right thing, and don't do it. i know and am clearly aware of the world we live in, but that doesn't i have to be part of this twisted world.
i always remember a quote said by Shakespeare " Love all, trust a few, and do wrong to none"
So as For me go, i take take full responsibility as to what, and where use this abilities, and even so if i feel somewhat weird, then i should simply try another skill, or ability that i have learn.


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