Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Final Ethical Power Revised

What sorts of moral responsibilities come with the hacking powers you have acquired this semester?  Be specific and precise!  What powers have you acquired?  What responsibilities do you take on with those powers?

In this semester i have learn a lots of thing , such hacking and social engineering task. The hacking power come with  a lot abilities and responsibilities. In this semester we learn about what is ethical hacking is and what is good and bad is. As i learn ability to hack, also come with some responsibility such as when can you used this power and what low allowed to do with power.Hacking is very big deal it can used for bad thing, so we have careful when we used and who to tell. Other Power I have acquired this semester is Social Engineering. Social Engineering is very power full a person can have. This Power we can do lot of thing we take lot of information about company just by calling at company. we can used for good or bad of this abilities. In my opinion leaning this semester is we have to take responsibility.we have to thing if am not crossing  the line and what right and wrong. What is moral value.  Moral value are principle and standers  which determine whether is right or wrong.  When we have more power we have responsibility. so it depend on what principle and stander you follow.  my moral value depend on religion., so if i tried to hack some one computer , but my religion  does't let me.
i always follow the what is good  and be honest. In the class we did  social engineering task some of the task i couldn't because it was right for me and my principle. I learn a lot of think that doing social engineering that i didn't have  power  before ,  I learn how take information from and communicate. taking information it not easy, but good power to have, because you can do anything  without  hacking. reputability of this power is  we us it good way or   bad way. my principle is use good way. let other know people what could do just by taking and taking your information. 

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