Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Revised Ethical Post

I believe in civilization. In a civilized and moral correct form of interactions with one another. I believe people that want to reflect good moral qualities should strive for: Integrity, responsibility, fairness, friendship and the mutual security of each other. Because of my moral views the only option I have with my new knowledge is to use it in a way that reflects my previously motioned values.  

I have the moral responsibility to use my new technical skills responsibly. I try at least for the most part of my time being morally righteous as a person to the best of my abilities. Is kind of like being tough to drive a tank and to know that my new knowledge can only be used in a responsible and morally correct manner other ways the new skills can cause me and the people around me unnecessary problems. Is just like discussed before, having the ability to do something and knowing that you can get away with it doesn’t make it right when you do it. I have acquired more knowledge on how to analyze, secure, and pen test a computer network.

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