Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Social engineering task - last week

Last week, my social engineering task was to find out Patient Zero Blue's class schedule. I wanted to do this face to face with the individual. I was going to try to talk to him before the end of class, but he got out of their pretty quickly. I was going to try to set up time to study together and just ask him for his schedule so we could plan around that. Since I wasn't able to do it in class last week, I decided I would try in class this week, however, because of my inability to keep a straight face I broke down and told him my task, told him what I was trying to do. Essentially I wanted to accomplish this task in a somewhat honest way by actually asking PZB for his schedule, rather than going behind his back to obtain it. I do know he has this class with the rest of us and another class (I do have the title and time, but not sure I'm supposed to post that) that is later in the day we have this class. I'm not very sneaky, but I will try to get better and if I get something like this in the future I'll try to take a different approach.

Agent Orange

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