Tuesday, February 17, 2015

"To live outside the law"

In terms of hacking, I believe that quote means that to do what you feel is right; you must use methods that aren’t exactly “illegal”, but are not really used within the law. Instead of breaking the law, you can do things that bend the rules a little. That is what the hacker group known as “Anonymous” did using virtual sit-ins, protesting, and trolling. With these actions, they sent a message to the ones that they believe to be corrupted. Although some went above and beyond and ultimately broke the law, they still did what they did because they believed it was the right thing to do. In the case of neo-Nazi Hal Turner, some of the Anonymous members hacked his personal email and were punished for it while still getting their message out to the public.

            In general; I believe the quote means the same thing, but without the hacking aspect. Vigilantes’ are a good example in my opinion. Some of them work with the law, but still operate outside of it, while others don’t cooperate with the law but still do good deeds for the people. There is evil that the law doesn’t punish and that is a vigilantes’ duty. 

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