Monday, February 23, 2015

Don't Snitch

The problem is that I went to a bar and saw my friend’s spouse with another person holding hands, flirting, and kissing. If any of my friends were to see my spouse doing that, I would want them to inform me of the situation as soon as it happens. Now I’m debating whether or not to tell my friend. Should I be a good friend and snitch or should I mind my business and not tell at all?

I believe the right thing to do is walk outside the bar and call my friend to inform her of her spouse, but I’m not going to do that. Instead I’m just going to mind my business and pretend I didn't see anything. It is none of my business if her spouse is unhappy in their marriage.

I would like to tell my friend the truth but if I do I might make the situation worse than it already is. Maybe they’re having problems and seeing other people right now, maybe something else is going on that I don’t know about, maybe he’s just really drunk, who knows. If those cases are wrong and everything else is going fine, I might cause them to have a divorce. Even if it’s for a good cause, I don’t want to be the reason for it. Also, if she doesn't believe me I can lose a friendship.

Cheating on a spouse is unacceptable and against the law but I have no right to jump into my friend’s husband’s affair especially because I don’t know the whole story. If he’s cheating on her then he should man up and file for a divorce instead of having an affair behind her back. It might be harder for her to accept the news coming from a friend instead of her husband himself.

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