Monday, February 9, 2015

Smart Devices Spying On Us

Many technologies these days are advancing into smart technologies such as Smart TVs, Smart phones, Smart cars, etc. There are many advantages and disadvantages to that; voice recognition for one, is a great idea for not having to type or text. The problem with that is there is software built into those smart technologies that turns voice recognition speech into text and some of that data is being sent to third parties. So with that being said, should these companies have the right to listen to our private conversations? 

Companies such as Samsung TV, Amazon Echo Speaker and XBOX Kinect shouldn’t be allowed to listen to our private conversations. The voice recognition is also featured in smart cars made from BMW, Ford, Honda and Suburu. We purchase smart devices to make our lives easier, not to put our lives out there.

There are advantages in the hands free Bluetooth voice recognition feature in cars and other smart technologies, but it is also invading our privacies. There are many safety issues such as who else can get their hands on this personal data.

These companies don’t intend to keep the data or to sell it but many companies are being hacked and these types of data should always be kept secured. For the user’s private policy right, we’re capable of turning this feature off. Needless to say, customers should be informed and their information should be secured.


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