Monday, February 23, 2015

Challenge #2
Get ---- to do a chore or task for you

My social challenge for this week was to get Admiral Aquamarine to do a chore or task for me. I have had problems with Myvlab for the longest, before I got the challenge both the professor and Admiral Aquamarine gave me a few tips on how to fix the problem. When I got the challenge I was thinking of things and ways to accomplish it.
It was very difficult because I am only in Bhcc once a week, which is Tuesdays, so that means that I had to do it that same day or I was not going to be able to do anything at all. So what I did was,  before starting the presentation on Computer and Network Attacks, I asked Admiral Aquamarine if he had any plans after class, to which he responded no. So I told him that I was wondering if he can stay 5 minutes after class to help me with the Myvlab. He got a little suspicious because I was smiling when I was talking to him, which gave me out; I think he noticed I was targeting him. He told me that he needs to think about it because he does not want to be a victim; I told him that he is not a victim that I just needed to get Myvlab up and running because I have not been to do any of the labs and I needed to catch up.
At the end of the class he did stay for a few minutes chatting with Agent Raven Blue and myself, he told me what I needed to do in order to fix the problem, but I was not able to get him to fix it for me.

There for mission failed, I had no moral problems with this challenge, but I realized that I need to really work on my acting and lying skills…..