Monday, February 23, 2015

Social Engineering Challenge- Get the names!

This week my challenge was to target Inspector Green. More specifically I was supposed to find out two names of family members. I am of course lucky enough to be in a group with Inspector Green so it was only too easy for me to strike up a conversation about siblings. I used the "I swear I know you from somewhere, Do you have any brother or sisters?" When he started talking about his sisters he revealed he was a twin and his twins name is (Blanked out the name for security purposes!) That is the first name i got. I continued to speak with him and i gave out little pieces of information about myself to make him more comfortable with opening up to me. 

Let it be known that the information i gave about myself was true but had if been targeting a stranger I would have created fake information. The class was over and i still did not get a second family members name so when he walked out of the class i caught up to him and told him about my book. I told him i was adding a character that was of Dominican descent so i wanted an original female Dominican name. With this being sad I then asked what his mother's name was and I then got R...a (Blanked out for privacy.) 

Honestly this was fun and i learned some new things about my classmate but i would feel a little nervous doing this to a random person, but i know i could. I think the method of giving information to get information was very effective and i will keep it in mind for when I am working for the FBI someday and I do some hardcore interrogations.